| 14 February 2010 (USA)
Starstruck Trailers

Pop star Christopher Wilde has fame, fortune and a big-budget Hollywood movie awaiting him. But after meeting Jessica Olson, a down-to-earth girl from the Midwest, he is faced with following his heart or doing what's best for his career.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
TheLittleSongbird StarStruck is not the best movie I have ever seen, but I was really surprised at how much I liked it. I will be honest, I was actually expecting it to not be very good from what I saw of the trailer. I was expecting bad acting, predictable story ideas, forgettable songs, terrible dialogue and mediocre filming which was what I disliked most about the High School Musical franchise and the Hannah Montana movie.So I was really surprised that even with the flaws StarStruck I was quite taken with. As I've said, the film isn't perfect as it is too short and some of the dialogue doesn't convince and comes across as cheesy. That said, while the story is recycled and somewhat predictable in a sense, it is also heart-warming and sweet. I also liked how StarStruck was filmed, the editing was quick and efficient without being slip-shod and the lighting, sets and costumes are very pleasing to the eye.The songs also surprised me and in a good way too. They weren't forgettable or distracting, instead they were tuneful with cute melodies and quite meaningful lyrics. I also loved the film's feel-good style, assured direction and slick pacing. The acting is nothing groundbreaking, but it is quite good all the same. Sterling Knight and Danielle Campbell are very likable and they share a comfortable chemistry. Chelsea Staub is decent enough, if not quite delving into her character, a little more bitchiness would've been nice.All in all, a refreshingly decent movie without being groundbreaking, then again it didn't need to be and it didn't try to be either. What it tried to be was a tuneful, sweet and likable film with assured acting and style and good songs and it succeeded, looking at the trailer I wouldn't have thought I would have said that about StarStruck. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Steve Mason I love this movie like a lot. A real descent DCOM which sends great message to kids and teens esp. those who seem to be obsessed with celebrities so much that they treat them if they were angels or something!!!! I am a 20 years old guy who is not supposed to be fan of such movies but.... this one has really impressed me with its catchy song, funny moments and other cute romantic moments.... it was almost perfect.I hate HSM movies by the way. They have nothing special except for the songs off course.... they were good but.... the story lines of these musical series were pretty lame and not interesting.This one is a real exception. It is not like the best movie I ever seen but.... it is on my best movies list. Thanks Disney.
american-beauty60 Honestly, the best DCOM since very long time. It has everything.. comedy, romance, music. All the qualities that make a movie a perfect one for me.I love how Disney movies are all sweat and really descent for kids and teens. I always love to watch them. Camp Rock movies are great too.This one has really some amazing songs. They were very heartwarming too.Sterling Knight is such a rising star. I adore him very much. He is quite talented. I esp. love him in SWAC.Danielle Campbell is a very pretty actress. She played her role well witch I guess was not easy for a girl her age.Overall, this movie was a real pleasure to watch. I really really wish they make a 2nd one.
Tera Swearngin I have to admit when I saw the trailer for this movie, I had no desire to watch it. Well, one night I was bored and decided to watch it. I liked it.I think Sterling Knight was great in it. He is the only reason I watch Sonny with a Chance. I wanted to see what he would be like in a different role.Danielle Campbell was okay, I believe she has acting potential. I liked her character because she wasn't easy, she made Christopher work. I found the grandma and the older sister endearing, for some reason. I'll admit the dialogue was cheesy in some parts and cliché.But over all, the movie is worth watching.