New in Town
New in Town
PG | 30 January 2009 (USA)
New in Town Trailers

Lucy Hill is an ambitious up-and-coming executive living in Miami. She loves her shoes, her cars, and climbing the corporate ladder. When she is offered a temporary assignment — in the middle of nowhere — to restructure a manufacturing plant, she jumps at the opportunity, knowing that a big promotion is close at hand. What begins as a straightforward assignment becomes a life-changing experience as Lucy discovers greater meaning in her life and, most unexpectedly, the man of her dreams.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
irene_woodhead I didn't expect I'd like this movie so much. It has loads of what they call a 'human factor'. Renée Zellweger is perfect for the part of an ambitious and uptight executive. Her character is still young but you can easily see what she's going to become in ten years' time: a corporate monster incarnate, a new Miranda Priestly. Her character has long lost grip on reality, speaking in meaningless corporate buzzwords: basically, this unexpected business trip to Minnesota saves the poor girl's life. I absolutely love Ms. Zellweger's portrayal of her character: everything in her from her facial expressions to little corporate accents is so recognizable!This film left me with a very good feeling, as if it had restored something important within me. A subtle comedy and an even subtler romance - basically, this is just a life story with its humor, love and heart-warming developments. Perfect for a quiet Christmas evening - yes, because the filmmakers managed to add a touch of Christmas which, IMHO, wasn't really necessary and ruined part of the story appeal for me (as in, "oh no, not another Christmas movie!" halfway through it).Overall, a wonderful experience, can't recommend it enough.
juneebuggy Charming, cute, feel good, predictable, funny, (sometimes LOL funny) did I mention predictable? Okay how about cliché? This was a nothing sort of movie that had its moments especially if you've ever had to deal with severe cold or the idiosyncrasies of small town living and it's locals. (I could relate to both). There's a decent back-up cast here playing the townsfolk and I enjoyed Renée Zellweger in her role as a transplanted Miami businesswoman. She's transferred to a tiny Minnesota town to restructure a manufacturing plant and must adjust her lifestyle accordingly, not quite how she pictured climbing the corporate ladder.There were moments in this movie that really made me laugh, (the nipple scene killed me) but all in this is just another forgettable romantic comedy. Sometimes though that's exactly what you're looking for, plus there's something yummy about Harry Connick Jr. even if he is looking a little rough here. 05.13
John Raymond Peterson This is a pretty good feel good movie. The storyline in IMDb is sufficient if you wish to avoid spoilers; that wasn't my reason for wanting to watch the movie, nor was it the work of director Jonas Elmer who I knew nothing about. Turns out Elmer did not make any mistakes and manage to capture all the good parts of a romantic comedy is suppose to have. Elmer even makes the landscape a kind of character, which was the thing to do here. I'll remember, I hope, Jonas Elmer, in a good way, next time I see his name as director and it might influence positively my choosing a movie.That being said, it was Harry Connick Jr and J.K. Simmons' work that influenced my decision; Renée Zellweger I am sort of indifferent about. Given she has the lead role, I'll admit she did not disappoint, not like in the Bridget Jones trilogy or Appaloosa. Connick and Simmons did however live up to my high expectations; I can't think of any movie in which I've seen them in, with a bad performance by them. They made the movie worth watching. Connick also happens to be a talented musician and excellent composer, of whose work I'm a fan.The story was good enough, a little predictable as all, OK most, romantic comedies are. I recommend it to guys who have to make up for watching guy movies with their bored better half. If anything, you can get an appreciation for Jonas Elmer's work as director.
Jackson Booth-Millard At the time of its release, I had heard about and possibly seen a trailer for this film, so when I got the opportunity to see it I wanted to see whether or not I would agree with the low opinion rating given by the critics. Basically Lucy Hill (Renée Zellweger) is the high achieving high-powered company consultant who enjoys an upscale lifestyle in Miami, and she is sent to the almost middle of nowhere town of New Ulm, Minnesota. There it is her job to oversee the restructuring of a blue collar manufacturing plant, and one of her responsibilities is to lay off a few of the workers. Lucy takes an immediate irritation toward the woman she is staying with and who is the office secretary type, Blanche Gunderson (Men in Black's Siobhan Fallon Hogan), and slowly she works through the other changes that will be made in the plant. Being new in town and after all her slightly cold-hearted actions she is given a very icy reception by the locals, and she also has to put up with the freezing cod weather and icy roads that don't help her get places. Slowly though Lucy starts warming to the people of the town and their lifestyles, so much so that she is regretting more and more the actions she is taking for her work, especially as she is being accepted more and more. The big kick in the nuts is when she is told that the plant is going to be closed down, and she seems not to have the power to do anything about it, she is worried that the entire community will be out of work. In the end though, Lucy tastes Blanche's secret recipe for tapioca pudding, and she reignites a former yogurt production line which creates a lot of interest amongst buyers, the plant is saved, and Lucy gets a happy ending with her love interest Ted Mitchell (The Iron Giant's Harry Connick Jr.). Also starring Spider-Man's J.K. Simmons as Stu Kopenhafer, Mike O'Brien as Lars Ulstead, Frances Conroy as Trudy Van Uuden, Ferron Guerreiro as Bobbie Mitchell and Barbara James Smith as Joan. Even a sweet perky faced and lovable actress like Zellweger can't save this rather ridiculous story, she is in a pointless performance, well, the whole film is pointless, it did not make me laugh, it did not make me happy or sad with the love story, and almost none of engaged me, it is just a stupid and not worthwhile romantic comedy. Pretty poor!