My One and Only
My One and Only
PG-13 | 21 August 2009 (USA)
My One and Only Trailers

A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
dejna22 Have I seen the poster for this movie before seeing the movie, I'd never have watched it. It's so fail I don't know where to begin. Compositionally and conceptually it looks as if it's been done by a 3 year old. Then the text below hints that the movie is a comedy. This movie is a few things but certainly not a comedy (granted, it brings out a few giggles occasionally but amongst much crying material).I'm not surprised nobody bothered to see this movie when it was so ridiculously advertised. I agree with someone saying before that the movie is underrated. It very much is. I will name a few reasons why I feel this way.It gives you a sense of how difficult it was for women to be independent in those days. There weren't many eligible lifestyle options for women then. The most common one was to get married and be a house wife. When that failed, all hell broke loose. You can either accept and ignore your whoring disrespectful husband or take off and hope for the best. There are no embellishments. People show their true faces. Their honest ugly selves. Lack of love between the sisters, well, hatred would probably be a better word for it. Lack of love for your own children, shown by Georges father when he refuses to take his son in. That's what some people really are like. People are self-centered and selfish creatures, by evolutionary design. If they aren't, it's only because they've been touched by stardust.I expect many many great things from Logan Lehrman.
dy158 It seemed like an unlikely road trip on the surface. A mother taking her two teenage sons on the road across the country in search of a husband who is able to fund for her and her two sons. As the film begins, 15-year-old George Devarux (Logan Lerman) began to tell the story of how he would end up in a car showroom with his older half-brother Robbie (Mark Rendall) to the car salesmen.It would turn out that his parents, band leader father Danny (Kevin Bacon) and mother Anne (Renee Zellweger) has gone their separate ways after Anne, who has never taken an interest in her sons' personal lives and interests, caught her husband in an affair with her taking the sons with her away along with the cash from her safe deposit box. The cash was to be used to buy a car to be on the road for both mother and sons, but the salesmen were initially suspicious of George's reasoning even after he had finished telling his story. That is where his mother came into the scene.The road trip would eventually come to pass, with the 15-year-old George driving despite having no driving licence of his own. Mother and sons first arrived in Boston to try their luck before Pittsburgh. Both cities turned out to be disappointments at various levels for Anne as she tried to search for a husband, with her losing her money, being sexually assault at one time, being sent briefly into a jail, and nearly being engaged to a man who is already married.One thing is for certain even if Anne and her sons would end up at her sister Hope's (Robin Weigert) residence in St. Louis when she had exhausted all options. Her younger son George has always wanted to lead a life of his own, but is angry at how his mother does not understand him well, to the extent of not knowing what was his favourite book which his aunt actually knew the answer. Getting frustrated, Anne slapped him and George left the house. He would eventually return and an incident which occurred when his mother and younger half-brother Robbie were on route to Los Angeles had him reuniting with them.It is a film based on actor George Hamilton's early life on the road with his mother Ann and brother, as told to his friend Merv Griffin. What happened to the 15-year-old George Devarux in the end in the film mirrors the real George Hamilton's early days in acting in the early 50s, with a real sense of that decade shown in the cinematography and especially on Renee Zellweger who plays the mother Anne in the film. For those who recalled Zellweger's title role as Bridget Jones in 'The Bridget Jones's Diary' in 2001, there is a sense of déjà vu over a scene where she pretended to be living in the old Hollywood glamour as compared to this film in terms of the timing of when the events in 'My One and Only' took place.In a sense, it feels like one is living in that period of time convincingly.
nomadewolf In the Genre it clearly says: Comedy, with all the letters. This is not a comedy. If this is a comedy, then i'm a skyscraper! This is a drama, a decent one, but i was going for a Comedy not a drama... I think that is bad for the producers or whoever is in charge to call this a comedy when in fact, is very far from that. As for the film itself, i kinda liked it. It tells a life story of a strong women and her growing children, as she tries to ensure their future as she separates from her cheating husband. In the way, they go through many trials which they try to overcome, as they grow stronger and more united as family. And i'm sorry to keep saying this, but not once during the film i laughed, cause it's NOT a COMEDY, which annoys me...
logans_dad Sweetie and I were childless last night so we sneaked out to see girlfriend Renee Zellweger's latest movie, "My One and Only." It also has Kevin Bacon playing her no account philandering, band leader husband.I didn't know anything about the movie so I was expecting a romantic comedy. I like those, in moderation, especially good ones but this was different. I am not sure how to classify the movie. Its kind of like a cross between a road movie, romantic comedy, coming of age, and biography. Basically Zellweger plays the part of Anne Devreaux who dumps her husband, played by Kevin Bacon and sets off across America with her two teenage sons in search of a new husband.She gets humiliated, arrested, and dumped a bunch of times but always keeps her chin up.I loved it. Its a great movie. Of course, my girlfriend Renee could play the lead role in Lassie Come Home and I would love it. I give this a big four stars out of four.It is a great date movie.