Wristcutters: A Love Story
Wristcutters: A Love Story
R | 19 October 2007 (USA)
Wristcutters: A Love Story Trailers

Zia, distraught over breaking up with his girlfriend, decides to end it all. Unfortunately, he discovers that there is no real ending, only a run-down afterlife that is strikingly similar to his old one, just a bit worse. Discovering that his ex-girlfriend has also "offed" herself, he sets out on a road trip to find her.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
darosslfc I skirted around watching Wristcutters: A Love Story for awhile because of the name. I think that the film would be watched on a larger scale if it was named after the short story it's based on: Kneller's Happy Campers, or just Happy Campers. That being said I knew I wanted to watch this film after reading many reviews saying it was a dark comedy. And after watching it I think it would be better defined as a quirky comedy. It deals with a dark issue but it doesn't do it in a dark way. I found most of the humor to be more odd ball comedy than dark. The story is about Zia (Patrick Fugit) who commits suicide. When he gets to the afterlife reserved for people who commit suicide he learns that his girlfriend, Desiree (Leslie Bibb), is a recent addition as well. With the help of Eugene (She Whigham) and Mikal (Shanyn Sossamon) he goes a journey to find her.I found this movie to be very up-lifting, contradictory to the name, but again I think Happy Campers would be a better fit for the title. If this film has popped on on your radar for whatever reason don't skirt around it because of the title or subject matter. You will be pleasantly surprised and feel oddly happy after watching it.
Quebec_Dragon I kept seeing this movie pop up on IMB in the "People who watched this also liked..." section of some of my favorite fantastical movies with romantic elements such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (not seeing it anymore), so after many years I decided to rent it. It didn't have much to do with those. It was obviously low-budget and it wasn't as good as I hoped. I loved the concept of suicides going to some kind of limbo, which is actually just like here, but a little worse. I liked the little fantasy touches such as the void in the car, people not being able to smile, matches flying up, etc, that showed some creativity. I liked the little suicide flashbacks that were sometimes darkly humorous. I liked the main actress with the dark hair that reminded me of a younger Angelina Jolie. I wasn't crazy about the road trip story, wishing more had been shown of the initial town and daily life. I didn't care for the music by Eugene. It didn't "suck" per say but better songs and soundtrack would have helped the mood. I didn't find the movie laugh-out-funny but it was amusing by moments. The romantic aspect was not so bad, I rooted for them, but it felt somewhat lacking and got torpedoed by the contrived ending. I enjoyed the movie much less than I should have considering the subject matter and themes I usually love.Rating: 6 out of 10 (Good)
FearNtremblng I was immediately drawn to this movie because of its premise: life within a dark, purgatorial world inhabited solely by individuals who had committed suicide during their time on Earth. The potential that this idea could have had, not only for an interesting storyline, but also for dark humour, is undeniable. So my friends, I was distressed as I could hear the credits about the roll, reflecting on what a poor job had been done handling this movie.It failed for multiple reasons, both big and small. The most obvious reason was laziness. It seemed as if the people behind this movie, after coming up with the brilliant idea of a suicide after-world, just figured the movie would write itself. This sort of storyline, so far removed from the mundane, requires creativity more than anything to drive it. What kills this movie is that the audience comes into it excited (presuming they know the basic idea) and expects the movie to deliver something very fresh and innovative, and I'll admit, some of the first dialogue we hear just sounds so poetic we really believe we're in for something special here. But we're not. And slowly the film unwinds and loses its magic.More sympathy was needed to evoke what the director wanted out of Mikal. We didn't get it. Zia was interesting at first, but soon became overshadowed in every scene he was next to Eugene, who, unfortunately, mumbled most of his lines. The plot, which could have gone in many, many unexpected directions, did the expected! It turned into an adventure-esque story about a boy looking for his love. The result is some bizarre Wizard of Oz type storyline with the introduction of a metaphysical cult leader who signified, by the sheer fact he was put into this film, that Dukic lost complete control of the story he was trying to develop. The film slowly spirals from fresh and interesting to lame and predictable, and it really is a pain for those of us who can envision what this movie might have been.There was mention early on in the film concerning what might happen to an inhabitant of this world if they were to commit suicide again. It was to the audience's great dissatisfaction, especially since there was opportunity to explore this question, that it was never even slightly answered.Of course, the movie wasn't all bad. There were some excellent scenes. There were some very funny parts, like the black hole underneath the seat and a handful of scenes featuring Shea Whigham's character. It was a great addition to the suicide-world that people couldn't physically smile, and that there weren't any stars in the sky, however, more similar additions were badly lacking. The ending was as cliché as they come; very unfortunate seeing as this movie should have done everything it could have to ward clichés off. I would recommend the movie because I feel the whole idea of a suicide after-world is worth seeing. And I also hope, after some have seen this film, that a generation of filmmakers might want to tackle this very idea and give it the justice it deserves. It is a big let down, for sure, but not by any means unbearable. All in all, it's a Perfect Guideline for how not to make this movie - let's hope someone takes a second stab at it, or two, the possibilities are well worth it.
billcr12 Wristcutters is not a happy tale, but a somber one which begins with a suicide by Zia who slashes his wrists; oh joy, such an uplifting drama from Croation born writer- director, Goran Dukic; what the hell happened in his Baltic childhood? Zia dies and discovers that the afterlife ain't all that it's cracked up to be; no flying angels in white, playing with a heavenly choir, but instead a place with no flowers, no stars, and only dull colors. His fellow residents have all offed themselves in various ways. A Russian musician, Eugene, has poured a beer on his guitar while on-stage, thus electrocuting himself. He meets Zia and they go on a road trip in a car that has a black hole under the passenger seat, where objects put there disappear. Zia hears that his ex-girlfriend, Desiree, has also killed herself. On the drive, they pick up Mikal, a girl who insists that there has bee a mistake, and that she does not belong there and wants to find the people in charge. Just when you thought it couldn't any stranger, the trio almost run over a man lying in the middle of the road. It is Kneller(Tom Waits), who has fallen asleep while looking for his dog. He runs a commune where objects change color and people float. This bizarre world seems like a combination of Dr. Who meets Terry Gilliam. Mikal is obsessed with finding the the people responsible for sending her to limbo land, or whatever it is. She did not commit suicide, but took too much heroin by mistake. I am a big fan of Tom Waits; especially his music, and check him out for his small role in The Book of Eli. As for Wristcutters; you may cut yours after viewing it; what a downer.