Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
R | 17 April 2008 (USA)
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When Sarah Marshall dumps aspiring musician Peter Bretter for rock star Aldous Snow, Peter's world comes crashing down. His best friend suggests that Peter should get away from everything and to fly off to Hawaii to escape all his problems. After arriving in Hawaii and meeting the beautiful Rachel Jansen, Peter is shocked to see not only Aldous Snow in Hawaii, but also Sarah Marshall.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Gre da Vid A kind of raunchy story of a "famous" TV star and her boyfriend who break up and then accidentally vacation at the same hotel in Hawaii, her with her new boyfriend, he alone, to lament his break up. They get together again as her boyfriend leaves, but, it doesn't last as he has found someone else. Funny but nonsensical and many unnecessary references to sexual activity.
Gideon24 Judd Apatow's position as producer probably had a lot to do with Forgetting Sarah Marshall being greenlighted, a fairly entertaining romantic comedy which provides fairly consistent giggles for most of its running time.Jason Segel, who also wrote the screenplay, plays Peter Brettner, a musician who has just broken up with his girlfriend, Sarah Marshall(Kristen Bell), a television star, who is now involved with a rock musician (Russell Brand). In an attempt to forget about Sarah, Peter vacations in Hawaii, and in true romantic comedy fashion, Sarah and her new guy are vacationing there as well. We then watch poor Peter running into Sarah wherever he goes while taking the attention of an attractive hotel desk clerk (Mila Kunis) for granted.Segel presents a very flawed and believable character in Peter, who is painted as this tortured sad sack while Sarah is painted as this cold-hearted bitch, which is not surprising since Segel did write the screenplay and if you're OK with that, you will probably be OK with everything that goes on here, even if it goes on a little too long, which is something I've come to expect from the Judd Apatow rep company.Segel and Kunis make a nice couple and Russell Brand is very funny as Aldous Snow, the arrogant but not as dumb as he looks rock star. Segal has provided some funny moments along the way for Jonah Hill as a waiter obsessed with Brand, Bill Hader as Peter's stepbrother, Kristen Wiig as a yoga instructor and especially Paul Rudd as a perpetually stoned surfing instructor.There are definitely some slow moments here and there, but Segel and company will hold your attention for most of the running time.
braddugg At times, even crap seems to be fine. As my friend Raghuveer just said, "no film is a bad film if our faculties are laid to rest". This is not a bad film either, just that we have rest our faculties. I was reluctant halfway through the film to complete this, yet I did make it to the end, coz I just wanted to see a light hearted comedy after watching those big great films. Now, even this mind needs some rest and this film gave me the much needed respite.In many terms, if I look at this from a critical perspective it is very average, be it dialogue acting or the whole theme of getting to a girlfriend, we saw this in When Harry Met Sally, and so many other films just that here, we have a different backdrop. Sarah is a TV actor and the guy Peter is trying hard to forgetting his ex girlfriend Sarah Marshall. So most of things happen for our peace here, he gets a place to stay, falls in love with a different woman, and sticks on to her. And even before this, he tries one night stands. All is so easy in this guys life it seems. So that's how easily this movie was made and yet it was made likable. May be Hawaii, the backdrop of this movie was got me into it more than anything else. And this film displays may romantic traditions of Hawaii and I loved them.Thanks guys, for making an average movie as this, coz at times, we need average stuff to find our self back. You helped me do that again. Giving you a 2/5 for the technical aspects which are certainly above average, just that I have seen such films so many.
trapaholics420 Forgetting Sarah Marshall is hands down one of the best movies I have seen in my lifetime that some may consider short, but to me feels never ending, but i digress. Jason Segell's character is extremely likable, particularly after his hilarious yet heart wrenching nude break up scene. It really feels like the viewer them self grows with Peter as the plot develops. Mila Kunis is a mega babe as well don't even get me started. I literally have no issues with this film I absolutely loved it. Definitely would not recommend watching this movie with your kids or your mother-in-law though! Some humor may be a tad crude for some people's tastes, but other than that this film is a must watch for any fan of romantic comedies.