Personal Effects
Personal Effects
R | 05 March 2009 (USA)
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Walter is a rising star in the NCAA wrestling world until his life is ripped apart by the brutal murder of his sister. Returning home to console his mother Gloria he seeks vengeance on the man who is accused of the crime. A chance meeting with a beautiful mature woman gives him solace to the situation. Will this unlikely pairing bloom into a romance and heal a wound the world cannot see or will the loss of his sister push him over the edge?

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Chrysanthepop Hollander's 'Personal Effects' reminded me of 'In The Bedroom' and 'Monster's Ball'. It deals with similar themes of coping with the loss of a loved one. The story is treated with equal restraint. The character development is gradual and in accordance with how the layers unfold. The visuals are very detailed and photogenic. It has a certain poetic feel which is further substantiated by the amazing score. I'm actually in search of the soundtrack.Ashton Kutcher may be an odd choice for the role but I appreciate his attempt to break away from the typecast goofball roles he's known for. Where his acting is concerned, it appears very formulaic. It lacks spontaneity but one can see the actor's effort. It may not be among the best examples of acting but he gets better in the latter scenes and overall turns in an adequate performance. Michelle Pfeiffer easily delivers a natural performance that just seems like a piece of cake for her. The actress knows her craft too well. Ditto for Kathy Bates who stands out in a supporting role. Spencer Hudson is a sincere actor.The only thing that bothered me about this movie is its lethargic pace which is very slow in the first half. The director focuses too much on the closeups when much of it could have easily been trimmed. Moreover, I didn't understand the need to 'maintain the element of suspense' in the end when the viewer easily knew the outcome (hence no surprise)? There are a few plot holes like why Walter didn't empty the gun before returning it to Linda. These flaws are but a few and thankfully they don't dilute the film (as long as one has some patience to get through the first half)
arieliondotcom What can you say about a movie that deals with 2 murders, a rape, mental disorders, emotional issues, deafness and the prison with the hero in a chicken outfit saying "What the Cluck?!"?You laugh. But you're never sure whether you're supposed to. Is Kutcher's character funny, stupid, mentally/emotionally challenged, all of the above? You're never really sure. Maybe it's supposed to be more realistic that way but it just comes across as confusing. Lost souls, a woman and her son who lost their husband/father to violent death become enmeshed in the life of a young wrestler who lost his sister to rape & violent death. Yes, it's an excuse for groping make-out scenes between the older woman (Michelle Pfeiffer looking like a trailer tramp) and the young wrestler (Ashton Kutcher). Hard not to draw connections to Kutcher's real life marriage to Demi Moore, much older and former wife of Bruce Willis. It takes courage to boink where Bruce has boinked before and it took courage to make this movie. But it's hard to follow why in both cases. "What the Cluck?" indeed
dude42008 I've never written a review for a movie before. But after seeing such negative reviews for this movie I had to step up and say something. I thought this movie was great! The acting was superb and the plot was realistic. Some people seemed to think that the relationship between Michelle Pfeiffer and Ashton Kutcher was weird or creepy because of the age difference. This is absurd. There is nothing wrong with an older women falling in love with a younger man. Another problem people seemed to have with this movie was it's pace. Not me, I was enveloped into this movie from start to finish, and that's saying something since most of the time I watch DVDs I pause to take a break and do something else for a bit. I thought the story was engaging and the relationship between Michelle and Ashton believable.If you're someone that's into movies involving regular people dealing with the stress and depression that life can cause then this movie is for you. But if your looking for the typical fake Hollywood stuff then you might want to pass this up.On a side note, the only reason I gave this a 9 out of 10 was because I thought the ending could have been a tad bit better. Otherwise this movie is flawless.
sfeldman-8 I Don't Know Why This Movie Got Such Low Ranking Here.I Think The Story Was Interesting And Original. Rhe Plot Is A Bit Simple, But It Is More About People, And Relationships.The Acting Was Good, And It Was Nice To Sea That Michelle Pfeiffer Still Looking Great To Her Age, And I Also Liked Her Acting.I Think This Is Typically A Movie That Women Would Like To Watch, Probably Older Women, However Since It's Not The Typical Hollywood Romantic Comedy Silly Movie, And Has A Strong Male Character (Ashton Kutcher) Other People Will Find It Also Apealling.I Thought The Ending Was A Lirle Bit Predictable And Forced, But It Is Still Holiwood Movie.
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