Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
R | 09 December 2011 (USA)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Trailers

In the bleak days of the Cold War, espionage veteran George Smiley is forced from semi-retirement to uncover a Soviet mole within his former colleagues at the heart of MI6.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
lorelaj2002 I am revolted at how much violece against women goes unpunished in this movie. Domestic violence or torture, if its a woman, its like its nothing.. It sends a really bad message.
andrewfleming-57891 This film is extremely disappointing. Its set in cold war London which gives the film a feeling of complete doom and gloom for its entire duration, except for the upbeat song at the end which really has no place in this film. The characters arent very well or introduced and most of the film feels as if the director never really expected to land so many big names and now has nothing to give them to do. John Hurt does steal every scene tough. Its poorly directed and the plot is very difficult to keep track of. The opening credits last over five minutes but are just pointless shots of Gary Oldman walking through his London neighbourhood. His monologues during the film are too long and overly theatrical. They would be more suited in a Shakespearean production. The cinematographer and set decoraters do a good job in creating a gloomy feeling through their use of greys and browns. However, this alone cannot carry a film as boring as this one. Its a waste of time.
Andres-Camara Siempre he pensado que este tipo de películas no cierran los guiones, es muy difícil cerrarlos y como dan tantas vueltas, hay cosas que se pasan y como quieren dejarte tensión, pues te quitan cosas, total que yo creo que no está cerrado. Cuando ha llegado al final de la película, he pensado, este es el topo, pero por que alguno tenía que ser, por que las pruebas que me has dado y nada son las mismas.La película no es la típica de este tipo, eso está claro, luego está en que te guste o no. A mí la verdad es que me ha dejado frio por no decir helado. Es lejana y tempo lento. Muchos flashback que no sé qué cuentan. Se hace larga y no sé si todas las secuencias sirven para algo.Que está bien hecha, sí, pero no llega aun así al espectador. Los actores están. No son ninguna maravilla ninguno. Tampoco es que tengan que hacer nada en especial la verdad, con estar normal, en la mayoría de las secuencias vale.La fotografía, se puede decir que es fría por que la película es fría, pero es que no es que sea fría es que esta descolorida y eso si es como está la película. No dice mucho la verdad.La dirección, pues para mí no llega. Si no consigue atrapar al espectador, no consigue estar intrigante en todo momento. No sabe hacer nada más que primeros planos y generales. Creo que no la sabe llevar, ya que esta todo el rato a fuego lento, pero no llega a bullir.Creo que la olvidare en muy poco tiempo.I have always thought that this type of films do not close the scripts, it is very difficult to close them and as they give so many laps, there are things that happen and how they want to leave you tension, because they take away things, total that I think is not closed. When you have reached the end of the movie, I thought, this is the mole, but why one had to be, because the tests you have given me and nothing are the same.The movie is not typical of this type, that is clear, then it is in that you like it or not. The truth is that it has left me cold not to say ice cream. It is far and slow tempo. Many flashbacks that I do not know what counts. It's long and I do not know if all the sequences are good for anything.It is well made, yes, but it does not reach the spectator.The actors are. They are not any wonder. It is not that they have to do anything especially the truth, with being normal, in most sequences it is worth it.Photography, you can say it is cold because the film is cold, but it is not that it is cold is that it is discolored and that is how the film is. It does not say much the truth.The address, because for me it does not arrive. If you can not catch the viewer, you can not be intriguing at all times. He does not know how to do anything other than close-ups and generals. I think he does not know how to carry it, since it is simmering all the time, but it does not get to boil.I think I'll forget it in a very short time.
janinaforpresident During the first hour, the producers actually managed to give four whole women non-speaking roles - Two blonde, giggling secretaries, one woman who had their head smashed against a window, and one brunette whose naked behind we saw in a sex-scene. Very disappointing.