Repo Men
Repo Men
R | 19 March 2010 (USA)
Repo Men Trailers

In the future, medical technology has advanced to the point where people can buy artificial organs to extend their lives. But if they default on payments, an organization known as the Union sends agents to repossess the organs. Remy is one of the best agents in the business, but when he becomes the recipient of an artificial heart, he finds himself in the same dire straits as his many victims.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
shootermcgavin5656 The part I enjoyed most about this film is it's portrayal of how reasonable, intelligent can justify their own evil actions. They remind themselves that "if they didn't do it, someone else would", they argue it from a capitalist perspective - if we didn't enforce the rules, then no one would pay and this service couldn't exist. They support each other in their actions as shown in the bar scene where they use humor to cast their actions in a less serious light.**SPOILER** In addition, I thought the ending of the movie raises an interesting question about whether it really mattered that Remy was in a 'dream'. In other words, did Jake actually make Remy's life better by setting him up with that neuro device?I also had to give it -1 for the gratuitous gore.
bowmanblue Repo Men (not to be confused by the eighties cult flick 'Repo Man') is a new film, set in the near future, where people can buy replacement organs to either preserve or enhance their bodies (for health or vanity's sake). However, if you don't pay the full price on time, your organs are liable to be repossessed (in the most gruesome fashion) by a 'Repo Man' such as Jude Law.He's good at his job, but his wife wants him to quit. He's about to when - shock horror - something goes wrong and he's forced on the run by the very organisation he served.So it's one of those on-the-run films where the protagonist is chased through a series of different venues by baddies and picks up a girl along the way. It's nothing special, but it's not that bad either. There's action, fighting and some cool 'slow-mo' bits to keep the MTV generation entertained.However, before I watched it, I made the mistake of reading some reviews and learned a little too much about the plot. Therefore, I went into the film expecting something. I'm not going to mention what it is, but let's just say there's an element of the film that seems to seriously be dividing audiences. Because of this, you'll either love the film, or hurl your popcorn at the TV.Personally, I found the 'surprise' acceptable. You may not. Be warned.
Laakbaar Having seen this film twice now, I have to say this bloody, violent, Cronenburg-style medical futuristic sci-fi action film is under-rated. We start with the hyper-macho, viciously callous, ex-military world of the repo men, but soon the tables are turned. I like Jude Law in everything he's done, but it still surprises me that his range is wide enough to include something like this. And he has never looked better. He has the talent, class and magic to elevate a film like this to something more -- even when he's playing a thug. Forest Whitaker, Alice Braga and Carice van Houten were also quite good. Negative points: It was a bit slow in the middle. I cannot say I was actually moved by the film. Very violent and very bloody.
Rob Broekhof This movie is a great analogy between what happened due to "the innovations" in the financial world. Example: "Sure you need to buy this house and sign for the mortgage ... you owe it to yourself ... you owe it to your family" ... And a couple of years later they take away your house and leave you with a great debt that also ruins your life and may even cost your life. More and more people are not able to cope anymore and commit suicide and sometimes even kill their own young children to "spare them". The people that come to collect or sell your stuff can be compared with the repo man. They can do it, until they're a victim themselves ... What I didn't like about this representation of how the system has become way more important than what is was for ... is the amount of blood. Still, it makes it all the more horribly and painfully clear what we're dealing with here ... What I liked about the story, is how it's presented that the bond between two people ain't all that clear. It was astounding to find out how it finally turns out what Jake has arranged for Remy.