Brave New World
Brave New World
| 19 April 1998 (USA)
Brave New World Trailers

In a futuristic totalitarian utopian society, babies are created through genetic engineering, everyone has a predestined place in society and their minds are conditioned to follow the rules. A tragic outsider jeopardizes the status quo.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rainey Dawn I loved the film adaptation of the book. The changes are not bad and the movie still get's Huxley's point across how technology and tyrannical power mixed together can be a devastation to society as a whole as well the individuality of humans. It also clearly shows the mundane emptiness of life when the thoughts, feelings and emotions of love are eradicated from society minus Bernard Marx who helps to show us that.The idea of a future where the government controls all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, movements, love-life and more through technology and their own love of power and control is well done in this film adaptation of Huxley's Brave New World.The film and book will leave you with thought-provoking questions and help one to define their own beliefs: total freedom, total control, or somewhere in between.Note: If you like this film then you may like THX 1138 (1971) 9/10
Katarina Arno Watching this movie was a really bad experience, through half of the movie I wanted to just press stop, but I kept on watching just to see how much they can ruin a wonderful book. First of all, one of the main characters,Bernard Marx,in this adaptation had been striped of every, and I mean every characteristic and trait that he has in the book. The worst thing is that in the book, through this character, the reader gets the experience of isolation in a society totally committed to social activity, where is basically abnormal to spend time alone. In the book, this character was my favorite, in the movie I found nothing in him. Not to mention that the entire first half of the book somehow got lost while making the movie. And as the final blow comes the ending. The producers just had to rewrite it in to this pathetic happy ending. If you didn't read the book, maybe you will find it amusing, but all in all, it is a shame that this kind of great book didn't get a proper adaptation.
BitchinCamaro I'm not sure what I'm more embarrassed to admit: that I've seen this movie or that I don't miss it any time it airs. Okay, it's probably the second one.There are some good performances struggling to break out. Peter Gallagher is always pretty solid and I've always been a fan of Miguel Ferrer. Rya Kihlstedt is certainly sexy and better than what's she's given to work with.The fact that this is an adaptation is no excuse for its weaknesses, furthermore, none of the changes enhanced the story, anyway.On the plus side, this is one of the funniest damn movies about a dystopian future that has ever been released. Normally, I don't bother with reviews, but I wanted to share the joy with this one. I can't help but laugh out loud when the pinhead delta runs head-first into Bernard's window projector thingamajig. I wonder if that counts as a spoiler.
Robert-Westmeier Brave New World (1998) is directed from an unknown director and he used unknown actors/actresses. The movie is based on the novel from Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. It is a sort of science-fiction movie but is not comparable with the Star Wars or Star Trek movies. The film has a length of around 90 minutes and it is about a world where everything seems to be perfect because all the people are conditioned. There are five different groups with a different intelligence a different attitude to life. Beyond the borders of the Brave New World there live the "normal" people who are not conditioned and live a life like we do. But one day two Brave New Worlders, who are against the system, fly to the reservation to make a holiday. But the helicopter has an accident and later they get to know John and his mother. Because John is actually a boy from the Brave New World, they take them with them back to find out, who John's father is. And this will bring a very big surprise with it. John is going to be the most interesting man there and this will change his life and the life of some other inhabitants of the Brave New World. In this movie you will find many changes of the characters, sadness and happiness. So it is very demanding movie which you won't really understand if you have not read the novel. The novel is more detailled and the relationship between some characters is described closer. Another point is that some scenes in the movie doesn't exist in the novel and vice versa. So would recommend this movie only to people who have read the novel or to people who doesn't care about things like that and are just interested in the subject.