The Last Child
The Last Child
NR | 05 October 1971 (USA)
The Last Child Trailers

In a badly-overpopulated future, where each couple is only allowed one child and where people over 65 are forbidden medical care under a very draconian set of laws, a young couple, pregnant with their second child (the first died shortly after birth) enlist the help of an elderly former US Senator to help them escape to Canada.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Red-Barracuda This made for TV sci-fi thriller is set in a dystopian near future United States. Overpopulation has resulted in the government introducing policies limiting couples to one child and severely reduced medical aid for those over sixty-five. We are introduced to a young couple whose first child died in infancy. The woman has fallen pregnant again. The authorities find out and, facing forced abortion, they have to go on the run.I am guessing that concerns about overpopulation were rife back in the 70's, seeing as there were other science fiction films that dealt with this issue in slightly different ways (Soylent Green and Logan's Run spring to mind). It's a very bleak picture that The Last Child paints of the future in the USA, where the government has become somewhat fascistic in this issue at least and people are forced to flee to the more reasonable land of Canada! The movie's TV origins are pretty self-evident. For a sci-fi film it has a pretty contemporary look, with little in the way of futuristic sets or costumes. But it's the drama that propels this one, with a decent enough script. It isn't essential stuff by any means but it's certainly one that should interest sci-fi buffs, primarily those that have a love of the 70's strand.
cd9652a Controlling population growth may not be such a bad idea since the fauna of this planet are suffering due to man's selfishness. Human overpopulation results in cutting down of trees for open space and farmland. This then results in greenhouse gases which today we sadly see the effects. Controlling population growth is not a fascist thing. Sure China does it. Yes I know that Chinese are communists but they too can be labeled fascists. I have not seen the movie. But we should make a science 'fiction' movie like this one. Perhaps another remake of this movie should be in the works. With a big starred cast, we will be more inclined to be struck by the message of the film and maybe change our habits.
Cyborg3k Before Roe v. Wade, and the pro-abortion cult became the state's approved PC religion, the ABC Movie-of-the-Week folks turned out this surprisingly prophetic film. Set in a time when the American democracy had devolved into fascism, and personal freedom was little more than a cliche, this was intended to be a look into a bizarre futuristic world, something like "Brave New World". Nearly thirty years later, that future seems right around the corner.
dnels The Last Child is an excellent movie which was classified as science Fiction and shows how irrational demand for the control of population can get out of hand and how one couple was willing and able to defy an unjust law so that the law could be changed