Repo! The Genetic Opera
Repo! The Genetic Opera
R | 07 November 2008 (USA)
Repo! The Genetic Opera Trailers

By the year 2056, an epidemic of organ failures has devastated the planet. The megacorporation GeneCo provides organ transplants on a payment plan - and those who can’t fulfill their plans have their organs repossessed. In the midst of this, a sickly teenager discovers a shocking secret about herself, her father, and their connection to GeneCo.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
fieldqcmanager Are you a man who wears eyeliner and fishnet shirts? Do you like listening to Nightwish? Have you ever described yourself as polyamorous? Say no more. This is your movie.To the rest of us we will just have to sit back and not understand the deeper meanings and seamless continuity of this higher form of art. As a movie it cannot stand on its own and if you heard the music by itself a grimace and a quick change of the radio station would follow. When blended together the audience is met with a unreasonably painful experience. One that will leave the viewer uncomfortable and embarrassed for weeks.To those viewers who chose this movie while partaking of a Paris Hiltonathon: The going is tough, but you have worse ahead of you still.
Avon Foxglove I loved this movie from start to finish. The beginning is set up very stylistically with a comic book type story board and it looks great. The songs are beautiful and catchy. There are twists in the plot but not in a super cheesy way. The makeup and costumes of the actors and actresses looked fantastic. I loved the way the songs were actually part of the dialogue of the movie and the plot rather than just randomly added filler the way a lot of musicals are. I mean, it's so obnoxious when a character just randomly sings a pointless song about their buttered toast at breakfast just to make the movie longer and that sort of thing is no where in Repo! The Genetic Opera. The movie also makes a nice commentary on the potential dystopia future of how corporations basically make the laws of the land.
Brandon Lebron Sturm (willara_forever) Obviously if you aren't into musicals, especially operas, well this movie is not for you. That being said, if you can handle singing throughout the movie well then, enjoy the ride. The movie itself is actually not bad at all, the acting is great and the music is sensational. At first I had my doubts but a second watch around let me see how amazing the music and cinematography really was. The final scene has one of the most emotional yet beautiful songs in the movie. It's gory yet hilarious and has its own satire. This movie is not for everyone but if you would like to see great songs being performed in many ways you wouldn't expect then give this a try. Alexa Vega and Sarah Brightman were outstanding. You either hate it or love it, or even a little bit of both.
Thoughts_provoked I rated this title as excellent because of the pure originality of the music and plot The characters are completely believable and realistic. This is one of my all time favourite films plainly because of the fact that i think it reflects how our world is dependent of consumerism and the increase of plastic surgery, Bousman has created a very original plot which is tide together with the music and sang dialogue, this is a story of love, greed, and revenge, character deaths is another reason i love this film, all through the film Bousman really makes it so the audience connects with the characters and when one of them dies it really effects the audience.I would very much recommend this film to practically anyone who would be willing to watch it, it is a great film and has been directed absolutely brilliantly. This film is definitely in my top ten favourite all time films.