Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead
Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead
NC-17 | 07 October 2008 (USA)
Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead Trailers

While driving to Las Vegas for the bachelor party of her sister Melissa and her fiance Bobby, Kayla stops the car at a gas station to meet her date, Nik, a guy she met on the internet. Nik convinces her to take a secondary road under the protest of Bobby but the car breaks down. They find a house in the middle of nowhere and decide to take the car parked in the house's garage to the next city...

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
David Arnold Bobby and Melissa are on a road trip to Las Vegas with Melissa's sister, Kayla, and her "boyfriend", Nik, who she met online. Unfortunately, their car breaks down and when they come across a seemingly abandoned house, they decide to "borrow" a car they find in the garage. What they don't know is that the house wasn't abandoned and the car belongs to a trucker who goes by the name of Rusty Nail. Rusty Nail contacts Melissa after she leaves her number at the house, and to say that Rusty Nail isn't happy that they took his car would be an understatement. A dangerous game of cat-and-mouse ensues, and Rusty Nail will stop at nothing to take more than what he thinks he deserves.Joy Ride 2 is not too bad of a follow up to the enjoyable Joy Ride. I mean it's obviously not the best movie you'll see but it's definitely not the worst one either. It's really nothing more than an average road trip slasher film that is quite high in gore and low on plot and story. But then again you don't watch a movie like this for a riveting storyline.Here, the character of Rusty Nail has went from a seemingly lonely trucker who was just pranked (as in Joy Ride) to now what seems to be a serial killer who just kills for the pleasure of it. A Jason Voorhees of the highway if you like, and I think that's the main reason why the movie's not as's gone down the stereotypical slasher path with your usual stereotypical characters.If you don't mind the usual cliché slasher movie then you will probably quite enjoy Joy Ride 2. Watchable but nothing to get too excited over.
deatman9 This movie to some degree was actually better then the first. The budget is way less in this one though you cant really tell. My guess is a lot of money from the first one went to pay Paul Walkers overpaid salary. Where the first one was strictly a thriller this one went more into the slasher theme which was even more enjoyable. The actors were no name but yet better. Kind of cheesy at parts and not as good as writing as the first but still entertaining.This movie is about a group of friends travelling on a shortcut they took off the highway when their car breaks down and leaves them stranded. They come across an old house and take a car to get to the nearest town. However the owner of the car returned home and it turns out hes a homicidal pyschopath who wants to teach them a lesson about having things taken from you.This movie I would have to say is better then the first and a lot of people are going to hate that I said that. Yes this one is kind of silly and the production values arnt quite as good and the ending is the silliest thing ever however it still beats the terrible acting and the fact that no one dies in the first.
pantagruella Cheese is a matter of taste. Some people like strong Cheddar. You can even get seriously strong Cheddar. It's the same with skiing. Extreme skiing is not for everyone.Extreme horror is not for me. I think many enthusiasts would regard this as being mild horror. Oh well, it's strong enough for me. Not really up my street. I prefer monsters and the supernatural, but this film is well-produced, well-acted and delivers the good.The usual tradition with teen slasher films is that the teens are not very nice from the first and we perversely do not wish them well. Here, for a change, three of the people involved are eminently decent. There is an annoying character but he is the agent of the action. Fair play to him, he acted well through several different emotional situations.The villain is appropriately sadistic. A kind of Johnny Cash, I would say, and everything Johnny Cash represents in my limited world view.Production values good. A limited play set but the pieces are handled well.Oh, the scene where the irritating Facebook guy doesn't want to do something is very good. That's where he's arguing that he doesn't want to buy something. I've been in that situation and the Joy Ride version is very true to life.
Steve Pulaski It's been nine years since we have seen Rusty Nail provoke and antagonize teenagers. Now we see he has returned to a new bunch of innocents in the sequel, Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead. I have to admit for a sequel to a cult classic movie that came out seven years ago at the time of this film's release, it had a lot of potential to it. The potential this film had was large, and it delivered it. It was a pretty honorable sequel, especially with no returning cast members. Not even Ted Levine (Rusty Nail) returned.The original film wasn't famous until it released on VHS and DVD in 2001. The theater viewing was lukewarm. This one was released Direct-to-DVD in 2008. The original focused more on the three kids freaking out, and with Rusty Nail being hidden most of the time during the movie. This one shows the lower half of his mouth with a cigarette in it whenever he talks which kind of kills the suspense in a way. Though still doesn't ruin the whole film.The movie centers around four main characters. Melissa and her fiancé Bobby (Nicki Aycox and Nick Zano), with her sister Kayla (Laura Jordan), and her online boyfriend Nik (Kyle Schmid), whom she picks up. After having car troubles, (who doesn't in Horror films?) they are forced to break into a seemingly abandoned house and taking the 1983 Chevrolet Caprice. Melissa leaves a note for the owner and her cell number. Little does she know that the house is home to a deranged trucker by the name of Rusty Nail (Mark Gibbon).Because of his anger that the four took his car, Rusty kidnaps Bobby while in the restroom of a truck stop and stalks Melissa, Kayla, and Nik and plays several unspeakable psychological mind games on the three and says if they do everything he says he'll return Bobby unharmed. I wont spoil the tasks, but just to clear up everything, he makes them destroy their cell phones to assure no police will be called.This is every torture porn fan's dream. This film will most likely amuse the fans who were asking for another Joy Ride film, but only slightly entertain the ones really involved in the series, like me. If I get really into a series, I get into it and need to know absolutely every little detail about it. So this amused me, but left me with some questions. I wish they would have brought up something about the first film. An article, a mention, even Rusty saying he's done this before. Anything to hint the first film was real. The time period of the first film was unknown. It could have been in the 90s or 2000s. This film mentions sites like Youtube, Myspace, Google, etc so it's more clear it takes place in present time.I enjoyed the first one beyond belief and one of the only downsides was Ted Levine did not reprise his role as the voice of Rusty Nail. That voice was unspeakably amazing and really gave a dark, convoluted feel to the storyline. So overall, the sequel is what I would call a sequel that does it's job to be a good Horror film, but fails to recognize it's predecessor in any way. It would have been cool to hear Rusty say "I've done this before, it ain't hard".Starring: Nicki Aycox, Nick Zano, Laura Jordan, Kyle Schmid, and Mark Gibbon. Directed by: Louis Morneau.