PG | 15 March 1996 (USA)
Ed Trailers

Jack Cooper could be a world-class baseball pitcher if he didn't keep buckling under the pressure. He tries to keep his spirits up after he's traded to a minor league team but loses all hope when he discovers that Ed, one of his teammates, is a chimp. Ed used to be the team mascot, but was promoted to third base when the owners realized he had a talent for baseball. As Jack struggles to get used to his new surroundings, Ed helps him regain his confidence on and off the field.

Wordiezett So much average
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Cyrus Assam This movie has a lot of great things going for it. For one thing, there is a monkey in this movie and the monkey is playing baseball! Just like a human would. Also, there are other things that are good about this movie too probably.Matt Leblanc is in this movie. You probably remember him as one of the five funniest Friends on "Friends." This is easily his best feature film outside of doing "Friends," if for no other reason than this is the only movie I can think of that he was ever in.I don't want to spoil anything, and this is the type of movie that will really keep you guessing right up til the end, so I will end my review here. Let me just say that, if you only see one movie where Matt Leblanc plays baseball with a monkey, it should be "Ed!"
TheLittleSongbird I love movies and have done for as long as I can remember, but when I saw Ed for the first time recently I found it excruciatingly embarrassing. It isn't even so bad it's good or a mess that is worth watching. It is an excruciatingly embarrassing film that has next to no redeeming features.When it comes to talking about what makes Ed so bad, I honestly do not know where to begin. The film is ridden with clichés, and what is worse these clichés are badly explored and written. Ed is also a very poorly written film, the humour is crude(which I didn't mind) but it is also very, very unfunny with minimal laughs and cringeworthy dialogue.The story is predictable too, sometimes that isn't always a bad thing, but it is when nothing of interest happens and you can smell events like the ending a mile off. The direction is flat as well, the production values didn't do anything for me and the soundtrack was annoying and too jaunty.The acting is absolutely awful, and it certainly doesn't help that none of the characters are likable in any way. Matt LeBlanc can be good and endearing, but he and his character aren't here. LeBlanc's character is so irritating you want to strangle him, and the less said about that monkey the better.Overall, an unfunny and embarrassing mess and possibly the worst movie of 1996, only Bio Dome comes close to being worse. 1/10 Bethany Cox
Chewy Smith I personally thought it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I watched it recently on HBO, and I thought the plot was absolutely great. Whoever wrote the screenplay did an astounding job. Matt LeBlanc's acting was great in my opinion, and his chemistry with Ed was undeniably amazing. I couldn't even tell that Ed was a fake chimp because of the great editing and special effects in this movie. I am planning to watch this movie later while I enjoy a buttery bowl of Orville Redenbacher's popcorn. If you are reading this review, please do not listen to the other user reviews. The movie was great and a fun-filled family comedy.
Seth Nelson Play ball! This movie definitely does not deserve the three strikes treatment! I've seen all those imported sport-playing animal movies (the "Air Bud" flicks; the hockey-playing chimp; they may be all Canadian, but the imports are the best stuff on Earth!), and they are good! "Ed" is a fun, funny, cute flick that warms your hearts. There is no need to give this movie a low rating! Heck, there is no need to give an actor and his chimpanzee a fake, $5 trophy for a bad movie performance! Any movie with an animal playing one type of sport or another is a very clever idea, and all families will appreciate the idea of that as well! P.S. To the short reviewer who thought this movie was like getting your teeth drilled twice: could I meet that cheerleader? :-*