Sex Ed
Sex Ed
| 07 November 2014 (USA)
Sex Ed Trailers

Eddie lands his first teaching gig at an inner city middle school and finds his highly pubescent pupils are receiving no form of sexual education. Eddie isn't really equipped to teach them...he's not exactly experienced romantically.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
sportybeepbeep Yes. The Internet will teach you many wrong things about sex. And that is explained frequently in the movie. A movie that - oh, the irony - will teach you many wrong things about dating and courting. The plot. Haley Joel Osment plays a loser who can't get the teaching job of his dreams. So, naturally, he invades the teaching recruitment office and demands the job. He is not escorted out by security, and gets assigned to a school in the Cuban part of Tampa. He decides to teach sex ed during detention. Cue the typical reaction from the kids, whom, by the way, seem to be of various ages in the same class. First they are confused, then they grow to love him. Feel your cliché meter going into red? What else do we need? Antagonist? Yes, let's have one of the kids' parents be a reverend, opposed to sexual education in school. Sage advice? Cue bar woman/landlady who knows all the ins and outs of life, love, sex, and being a man, and muscular "bro" former flatmate with a good heart. Love interest? Let's have the hottie sister of one of the students develop an interest in a guy that, erm, stutters and makes awkward, borderline creepy, talk the first time he sees her, gets invited to dinner at her family's house, and pukes on her mom's breast, invites her out the second after she says she and her cartoonish latino low-rider driving bad boy boyfriend are giving it time, plays her the oboe (yes, the oboe) badly to apologize for giving her brother condoms, get the idea.I know, we have seen it many times in movies. No matter how uncool, uncharismatic, downright dweebish, and speech-impeded a guy is, for some reason the hot girl will always react to his phrases with, at least, a giggle. But the interaction between Haley Joel Osment and Lorena Izzo had me shouting at the screen. He does absolutely nothing that would ingratiate any girl to him, let alone someone who is obviously attracted to the "cool" type. And to make it worse, when she basically implores him to have sex with her, at the end, we discover that she wants, "My Fair Lady"-style, to make him cool! So, you fell for the uncool, dadbod guy, and now you want to make him cool? I think someone's been DJing with your brain cells, Pilar!And you know what? He doesn't want to have sex right there and then. No, of course not. He wants it to be "special". Reminds me of a friend of mine who used to always want the "perfect" moment, and passed on amazing chances. Only he regretted it afterwards, instead of turning into The Coolest Sex-Ed Teacher in The World! Ever! So, Lorena dumps him because he does not have sex with her? No matter, cause we see his new love interest in the last scene. Dropped with all the subtlety of 10000 elephants. And you're wondering what happened to the reverend? Can you say "Motivational Speech that changes his mind"? The only saving grace is that he did not have sex with the bar woman/landlady, as the "do it with an ugly woman" first.Seriously, one of the worst films I have ever seen. And it should get an adults only rating. Because I pity the kids, or even young adults, who see it, and think this is the way to go about courting a woman. Jokes? What, were there any?
michaelc246810 At first, I thought this movie was going to completely suck. The story didn't make much sense at first and was sort of weird. However, once I got around the first half of the film I began to really see and understand the message. This is when I truly began to connect to this film in many different ways. I've had times within my life where I just feel lonely and desperate similar to the main character, Cole. There's nothing wrong with me (I hope), I've had multiple relationships throughout my young life. I've had times where my life felt great and where finding someone to get to know wasn't difficult. However, eventually this feeling of happiness and confidence drifted away. After a year long on and off relationship, I'm truly alone. I've tried to meet new people and find someone who I could hopefully, truly connect with, but as you can imagine, I've had no luck. This stage of life or feeling is referred to in the movie as a "dry spell" which is something that I, a 17 year old teenager just graduating high school, am fairly aware of. I've kept telling myself to just get out there and find whoever you can get and make the most of it similar to how Cole's friend Jt instructs him to do. While watching his movie that scene within the bar really inspired me to try and go out to find some girls and to hopefully end my 'dry spell'. However, by the end of the second half, my mind completely changed. Cole eventually realized that it wasn't important whether he got girls or had sex and that all that truly mattered was that he had to be true to himself. Cole learned that being the man he wanted to be was the utmost important thing and that doing the right thing matters most. This movie might not be the greatest or most exciting movie out there but it seriously has one of the greatest messages out there for young men. I didn't really thing that I would have clicked on this film in my Netflix browser but I have to say that I am truly happy I did.
crash-after I didn't like it. I know that I'm probably not being fair, as I only sat through about a little less than half of it, but really, it was just so...not great. I thought it was going to be a comedy. It is not. Osment has done a lot better films, so his acting really isn't to blame here. The script is just not there. But that's my opinion, and if you like this kind of stuff, a slow moving to fast moving to slow moving (what a strange pace it has!) late night comedy minus the comedy, then you're probably going to find it enjoyable. For me, it wasn't. I don't really like these kind of movies anyway, so I guess I'm bias.
karnevilelp Let's get this out of the way first: yes, Haley Joel Osment looks-wise isn't the kid who sees dead people or even his 16-year old self in the wonderful "Secondhand Lions". He's chunky (and could use a good haircut), but damn! is he a really good actor.He carries this movie, he makes what could be a one-note or creepy character come alive. It helps that he has a terrific script to work with, it could easily have turned preachy fast but except for a scene near the end, it's more about Ed, HJO's character, and his lack of self- esteem, awkwardness around women, career frustrations and so on.The rest of the cast is really good as well, especially Lorrenza Izzo as Pilar, Retta as bar owner/landlord Sydney, Matt Walsh as the school administrator Washout and young Isaac White as Leon. The rest of the cast is fine as well, even in the small parts. It's well directed and filmed and the score is full of toe-tappers. Special note should be made of the band that plays in Sydney's bar, what terrific musicians.If you take this movie for what it is --a low-key, low budget comedy with some points to make-- it's a nice way to spend 90 minutes.