Love & Sex
Love & Sex
R | 26 July 2000 (USA)
Love & Sex Trailers

When her rather explicit copy is rejected, magazine journalist Kate is asked by her editor to come up with an article on loving relationships instead, and to do so by the end of the day. This gets Kate thinking back over her own various experiences, and to wondering if she is in much of a position to write on the subject.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
leplatypus I taped it because of Famke who plays here a romantic part. In fact, i expected it was this and it's not : it's about her difficult relationships but at this level, it's quickly forgettable ! I notice that this movie is written and directed by a women and put Famke in the spotlight but the first thing the movie talks about it's blow-job ! Strange i thought that it was only men who were trash and vulgar ? So the girl power is just another fraud ??? Next, her feelings goes to Favreau ? wait, this unfunny guy, impolite and boring ? Yes, it's him… so i let you imagine what the movie is because me i have already watched it and it lost my time as never before !!! So even if Famke picks the same boyfriends than Amanda Peet in Jack & Jill, prefer that TV show over this poor movie for a fine cast playing romance !
macvader999 Since seeing Swingers I have become a big John Favreau fan but Love & Sex was not one of his greatest movies. The basis of the film is all in the title: love and sex. Favreau plays artist Adam Levy who meets Kate Welles (Famke Janssen) at one of his art exhibits. Soon thereafter, they begin dating and enjoy frequent sex. At first, their relationship is nothing but great and passionate. But as time passes the passion naturally fades and, eventually, Adam decides to call it quits with Kate. Overall, the movie is filled with witty dialogue and some memorable scenes (like how Adam picks up Kate at the art exhibit) but didn't finish strongly enough. I'd say the first half of the film was genuinely funny while the second half struggled through a cliché-filled plot and predictable ending. Still, if you're a fan of jon favreau then I'd recommend this film but don't expect as many laughs as in Swingers or a cameo by Vince Vaughn.
wldcat2345 Come on people, this is a Ro Co (romantic comedy, please we should all know the terminology by now). Are you seriously expecting some amazing, thought-provoking, inner-meaning "film"??? Surely not. You should, however, be expecting a make-you-laugh/make-you-smile kind of movie -- and you get just that. In fact, you get even more. Love & Sex is a witty, suspenseful (well as suspenseful as Ro Co's can be...but i might even go so far as to label it a SuRoCo...suspenseful romantic comedy obviously), realistic, and downright fun movie. In fact its not just witty, it's the kind of funny that makes you laugh so loud you later wonder if everyone else thought you laughed a little "too loud." but not to worry, you didn't, because it's just that fun. what separates it from average Ro Co's is its ability to accurately capture the not so bright side of relationships, but its this very honesty that makes it all the better in the end. So go rent it/buy it/re-enact it its worth it. It's definitely a top rate Ro Co in my book (and i WROTE the book on Ro Co's)
ebert_jr But I liked it... I am a sucker for this kind of story, each and every time. Even a half-baked one. It just runs too deep with me, and I suspect with lots of people. One thing though, why do so many Hollywood films these days seem to take little jabs at Christianity? What? Yeah... I mean, it seems like it's always the Christian women being romanced by a Jewish actor, or a Jewish character, and never the reverse. That in itself is just unblanced, but not anti-Christian. The anti-Christian element comes in with things like the "blind date" coming to the front-door and badgering what's her name with the hard-sale for "Jeesus". Or the cross being predominately displayed above her bed, after the break-up - what is the message here? I've seen lots of jabs like this, and while it doesn't bother me per se, I do notice it and will point it out.