Head On
Head On
| 13 August 1998 (USA)
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Nineteen-year-old Ari confronts both his sexuality and his Greek family. Ari despises his once-beloved parents, former radical activists, for having entombed themselves in insular tradition. Ari is obsessed with gay sex, although he does make an unenthusiastic attempt to satisfy the sister of one of his best friends. While all of this is going on, he's facing problems with his traditional Greek parents, who have no clue about his sexual activities.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Movie Critic Where do you start with this amateur boring disjointed thing? It looked like it was filmed with an early Nokia phone. Half the camera shots are close ups of Ari (the protagonist). The screen play was the worst part though. It is one of those movies that are so bad they could be humorous. And I am gay! Back to the screen play trite comes to mind-- Australia must be 50 years behind the US (I have heard this by the way) in terms of melting pot stuff. Or some pseudo-intellectual lefty queen thought this the perfect movie script (much more likely). No one in US thinks Italian or Greek or even Latino any more it has all become pretty much main stream. Thank God. That then axes the whole PC gist of the movie...ethnic isolation/discrimination/fitting in--in an "angl#" world. Ari is as another reviewer stated gorgeous...why does he have furtive alley sex with an over weight oriental a scrungy old biker type etc...he could have anyone...this just doesn't fit. This unintelligent screen play attempts to be lefty (shots of protests against Greek colonels) and deep. "I am on the edge of a sewer and smell the shi@" "I am a sailor and a whor$"... I actually laughed at this last line. Written by an unintelligent queen trying to be deep. The writer is also trying to show the edgy dystopia of the gay world...drug driven desperate shadowy degrading back alley sex full of drag queens etc... The real gay world even I imagine in Melbourne is much more mundane and thankfully boringly wholesome. How this thing won any awards etc...?? Again Australia must be 50 years behind the US. Sorry if I insult anybody.DO NOT RECOMMEND
jameselwynlytle "Head On" is a film we should all see, if only to experience Alex Demitriades doing a start turn as magical as Fassbinder's work was in "Shame." Ari, the young man played by Demitriades, is one of those beautiful young things with whom one cannot help but fall in love, lust after, and forgive; and Demitriades understands the character so very well one cannot help but fully believe his every nuanced move. He is simply movie magic in "Head On." The other actors are equally skilled (further evidence that good acting must be in the water in Oz), with Eugenia Fragos as Ari's mother turning in a stand-out performance as well. See "Head On," and leave yourself some time to think on Ari and his youthful transgressions afterwards. Then be glad that you've passed that age.
jcnsoflorida I don't consider this a very good film in the conventional sense, but it is certainly provocative and memorable. (Apparently it was not well received by the Greek-Aussie community, and the star of the film did not become a star). Note: Don't confuse this with a film by a Turkish-German director, Head-On (2004), also good but very different. Back to Aussie film: My judgment is undoubtedly clouded by my attraction to main character Ari, a second-generation Greek-Aussie who is angry and has a lot of issues (one of them being heavy drug use). So what do I like besides gorgeous Ari? Several times in the film he dances traditional Greek folk dances and he is most mesmerizing in these scenes. One of the first such dances is with his father with whom he has a mostly bad relationship. Ari's dancing expresses the conflicts and contradictions of the film and of course his own. (The film is largely seen through Ari's ineffable eyes.) The ending: The film seems to be careening relentlessly towards tragedy but it doesn't quite go there. It ends on an ambiguous note. Ever angry, but defiant too. And dancing.
moviegoer Truly a great little movie! The story moved at a good pace through-out and kept me very interested to see what would happen next. With so many movies these days, I keep checking the time because they are so terribly uneven and my interest is not held. Not with this one--very riveting and moving story. It did an excellent job of "showing" what our young protagonist (someone used the term anti-hero for him--I like that) was going through. Really liked the way the drug highs were portrayed. The voice overs were sparse--this film did not talk me to death or insult my intelligence by explaining everything. How very refreshing! Visually you went with Ari where he was going whether you liked it or not. I also really liked it because it was at times raw and visceral--life is like that sometimes for us, and for others like Ari, it's like that most of the time. Hurray for the male frontal nudity! It's not only women that have beautiful bodies. Johnny only had a couple scenes, but he upstaged Ari in every one. What a remarkable character to throw into the mix! I would be friends with him in a heartbeat. If you like movies about real people trying to figure out their place in the world, do yourself a favor and see this film.