Soft Lad
Soft Lad
| 09 July 2015 (USA)
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Twenty-two year old David has it all – he’s young, hot, and he’s just got into the prestigious dance school of his dreams. But he has a secret: for two years he’s been sleeping with his sister’s husband, Jules. After an argument between the two lovers, David throws himself into a one-night stand with Sam, a casual encounter which fast becomes something much stronger.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mr. Bennett This has got to be one of the worst films I've seen. It is so badly made, I was actually shouting "this is so bad!!" at my laptop. The camera work is so bad it's annoying; I don't know what type of tone or feel they were going for but the result is a mess of awkward angles, moving pointlessly back and forth and getting in the faces of the actors with absolutely no sense of framing. The sound design is non-existent and the few attempts at scoring are generic 'sad'/piano music, that not only add absolutely no sentiment at all, they also sound really bad. And that also applies to dialogue as well, which makes the whole thing look and sound very amateur. The script is so bad I can't stop thinking how it got approved or how people thought this kind of writing is good! To sum it up, it goes like this: -I just feel stressed and tired from it all -Why? -I don't knowThe repetition of lines like "where is this coming from?" and "why are you being like this?" only makes things worst and adds to an already messed up and poor script that sounds so basic and forced and fake that makes the whole thing really annoying to watch.In terms of plot, after one or so hours of the character's emotional ups and downs, it boils down to the consequences of unprotected sex and the use of condoms, which in this day and age is just old news.The actors do try their best and they are some genuine moments that unfortunately don't last for more than a few seconds. Massively let down by a script that simply does not work, they end up trying to convince you how sad they are, or how confused with lines like...well, see above. I can go on and on as I still can't believe how badly made this is and how amateur it looks and sounds; OK, maybe they didn't have the biggest budget ever and I get that but still, that's not an excuse for the complete and utter lack of a convincing narrative, emotional investment and quality of film making.
johnm-38132 Not a happy ending in this film. Basically, a married gay man, Jules, has an affair with his much younger brother-in-law, David and unknowingly transmits HIV to both David and his wife, David's sister. When all this comes out, all hell breaks loose and the 3 part ways in a very horrible show down. Very well acted, fast paced and intensely emotional. Sadly, not worth watching twice because it's such a downer. All 3 characters were decent people. The two gay men made some bad decisions and then had to pay the consequences. Nothing to judge here. David looked just like Susan Boyle....except much younger and cuter of course. Jules was older, slim and attractive. It's too bad this movie ended on such a bummer.
wayne2652 "might have spoilers inside"It is really touching but heartbreaking movie I have ever seen. The acting of those characters is spot on and shape the character vividly. The struggle between David & Jules and Jules & Jane are nicely illustrated in the movie. Compared to the struggle, the affection among those characters seems a little less. Therefore, I can feel stressed and struggled more from the plot itself rather than owing to the feeling of breaking the bond between them. Also, I would like to see more about Jules' part after Sam and David left the house and more David's dance at the beginning. That might give the audience a complete emotion roller coaster. Overall, it is a worth watching movie definitely!!! And it is the some of the movies that picking HIV issue and presenting the reaction about the situation.
shenerdk Came across this film through social media and was interested to see soap actors in a feature film. To be honest I didn't have much expectation as a lot of the reviews had said this was typical soap plot lines but in my opinion the film tackles real issues and the cast delivered the story exceptionally well. Laura Ainsworth who plays Stacey was hilarious, she played the character so well. Suzanne Collins who I loved in Brookside was also brilliant. This film is set in Liverpool and was good to see a non London setting. Would Defo recommend this for soap fans! Incredible to think that this was made for less than £20k. Will be hoping to see more from the director!