R | 22 January 2016 (USA)
Terminus Trailers

Following a near-fatal accident, David Chamberlain makes an unprecedented discovery that will not only determine the fate of his family, but of mankind.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
fedor8 A shoddy, stale-looking, dull sci-fi that manages to make alien contact as mundane as ordering French Fries. To make things worse, the "auteur" of this low-IQ piffle focused much more on politics than on sci-fi, filling up the movie with tons of extremely stupid fake-CNN news-flash exposition, which shows the U.S. invading Iran and eventually causing the outbreak of WW3. (The notion that a liberal-lead U.S. would even contemplate such a move is truly hilarious. What, Obama or Hellary invading Iran to save Israel? Bolivian mushrooms must be very cheap these days.)So no, I am not joking in the slightest when I tell you that this garbage is a cross between "Born on the 4th of Scientology"… Sorry, got confused there… A cross between "Born on the 4th of July" and "2010". Is it as dumb as it sounds? Much worse. Because dumb can be occasionally entertaining, but this idiocy is just excruciatingly boring. The premise of an alien being restoring human limbs is not bad, but it's handled with such incompetence by the writer and the actors (especially that sociopathic secret agent: over-actor extraordinaire) that it makes no difference what potential there was or wasn't in it. Certainly there was zip potential in combining left-wing propaganda with alien contact. I'm pretty sure some pompous mongrel had already done that anyway.To give you a hint just how much muddy pee-worthy incompetence the film swims in, the director can't even make up his mind whether the story takes place in the States or Australia, because there are clear indications of both.
Reno Rangan What would you expect from a B movie, but it looks like a mainstream film for the Australians. Yep, it is an Aussie sci-fi-drama, but sets in the United States. The world is at war, so people everywhere struggling with their jobs. But in a small town, a mysterious object from the sky falls and soon it was claimed by a single father after he was healed by its touch when he met a car crash near the site. The government people too after it, but how these two groups confront each other while the country is falling was told with a small twist at the end.The poster looks like 'Intersteller' or 'Tron', but the film was different. Kind of a simple version of 'Evolution' and a mix of others as well. I felt it was well written, but not convincingly made. Keeping a simple story, revolving around a mysterious object, it had the strength to come out strong, but doesn't wanted to be the high octane action film and the budget was the issue. So in its limited cost, it impacted managed to become a decent film, but I think the direction should have been a bit cautious. There were lots of sci- fi-dramas succeeded because of the good directions.I call it a wasted opportunity, but if you keep your anticipation low knowing unfamiliar cast and crew, then it might satisfy you a little. Totally an Australian cast, but in the American accent. Decent performances, and technically it looked okay, since it did not require heavy graphics. It's not for everyone, I would have liked it if the narration was neat regarding its production value.4/10
kosmasp Yes this can and probably does stand for different things (or pun intended as some would say). The basic idea and the way the movie works and moves on is not a bad one. Especially if you like your B-movies to try to be a bit unique. This does all that and has some interesting colorful characters.It's not all peachy and great of course and that does not only concern the well-being of our main characters, but also the script. Acting wise it has some issues too, but overall it's more than a decent effort into Science Fiction foray. It did what it said on the box and was entertaining enough to pass the time - if you watch a lot of movies. If not you'd probably do best to stay away
Conan Conan This movie is a gift. After watching multimillonaries films. This has everything. Action, suspense, and a sci-fi touch. From the start, you don't know what will hapen. It's a matter of time, and until the end, you won't know the true. The actors did well. Of course, the actors aren't soo famous. That's why is underrated. But the acting is well done. The family don't inmerse in an ouwful drama. The issue keeps around a mysterious artifact. It is for good or for bad? Many answers. But instead other sci-fi movies all the questions will be answerd. The visual effects are credible, you notice they worked very hard. And the actors did a great job, even they don't requires a great acting. You won't loose your time. Give it a chance.