NR | 05 February 2016 (USA)
Southbound Trailers

The film contains five stories set on desolate stretches of a desert highway. Two men on the run from their past, a band on its way to a gig, a man struggling to get home, a brother in search of his long-lost sister and a family on vacation are forced to confront their worst fears and darkest secrets in these interwoven tales.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Rainey Dawn I found this one a watchable modern horror anthology. The stories are intertwined or blended well - one story seamlessly blends into the next and I liked that about the film. The short stories are pretty good, not bad at all but some of them really didn't grab me. Most all of special effects are fine. Most of the acting was alright - some really good for a film of this type. I liked the film fine - it isn't anything special, nothing about it stood out to me to make me want to watch it again but it is fine for a one time watch. 6/10
setaphil Despite seeing all these glowing reviews, I don't think it was that great. The film was filled with loosely related stories that has a similar theme. However, the movie as a whole doesn't make any sense because it has no on- going plot. It has only a theme and the same character to act as a start for another story. Maybe i just have very high standards, but i hoped that the stories would be more connected to each other. The dialogue was weird enough to feel unease which i'm not really sure that's good or not. Still, i can appreciate that these stories were weird and incomprehensible that the place (that these stories taking place) felt like hell. So, it was interesting to watch. 5.3/10
stadros This movie was a pleasant surprise. There are 5 different tales of death, and the writers tried to leave back stories out and connect each story to the next. What they did though was not connect the stories rather, lead to the other with perhaps one character from the end of one tale to start the next tale. There were not many jump out of your seat scary parts so these are just good throwback stories with a bit of suspense to them. I think the writers would have done better to give some of the character back stories, and perhaps give them a chance. I would have liked it better if more of their struggle to survive was shown, rather than, you're marked for death so you die. Also the mysterious ways they die and reason they are marked leaves much to the imagination, good or bad.
Nancy666 Directed and written by many, Southbound is a interesting, genre savvy anthology feature. Being a huge fan of anthologies I gave this a go blindly, after not hearing much about it, and was pleasantly surprised.Southbound features five loosely related stories all taking in the same desolate area. It will leave you with both haunting imagery and interesting train of though. I, however, came away wanting more clarification due to a rather unexplained plot and an ending which also doesn't explain much. Despite the low budget, Southbound is clearly well thought out, if slightly secretive, and very well designed. If you are a big fan of anthology horrors like me then I think you will probably be a big fan of this.