Psychic Experiment
Psychic Experiment
| 15 April 2010 (USA)
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A idyllic, small, self-sufficient community. On the surface, it seems like the perfect neighborhood. Everything you could possibly need is within walking distance. But...the pastoral exterior conceals a dark past and an even darker secret. As a group of individuals-each with their own ties and agendas with the town and each other-converges on the enclave, strange things begin to happen. Very strange things. Strange enough to test- and then break-the very fabric of reality itself.

Wordiezett So much average
Btexxamar I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
ceddy baby Thank God i watched this movie for free on Fearnet On demand.I love horror movies all kinds,i grew up on them.But i honestly would rather watch my dog lick his balls for 90 minutes than to sit through this again.Nuff Said.Okay i guess i didn't write enough of a review i still have to write some more.Growing up i loved Halloween,Friday the 13th,Madman(who remembers that)Motel Hell,the newer movies-Scream,Final Destination,Hostel,even The Human Centipede was disturbing but actually a good movie,but this one here is straight garbage ! The acting was horrible.The Plot didn't make absolutely any sense.There was just too much going on to be able to follow the script ! The scene in the grocery store was interesting,but that was the only one.
loomis78-815-989034 From what I can tell, a small community has turned into a disaster area of disappearances, cancer and anything else you can think of. A company in town called The Facility appears to be behind it as a nasty experiment is being conducted on the town's people. A burning person appears out of nowhere, digital blobs ooze up from the ground and snatches people under, creatures appear and a whole bunch of other unexplainable stuff happen in this headache inducing horror film. Writer/Producer/Editor/Music/Director Mel House had no idea what this movie was about or any point to it at all, and neither will you. With an entire cast of great B actors thrown together here, any kind of reasonable plot could have been a blast. For a while you actually try to figure out this crazy story but by the half way point the frustration level hits new highs and you just give up. It never gets any better. There is some pointless gore and some lousy digital effects but who cares? The only experiment this movie does well is wasting 93 minutes of your life.
snayke I have never written anything like a review, nor did I ever intend to do so. But having skimmed the review from cchase I was so disgusted I forced myself into this. I am a watcher and collector of horror flicks (and books) and have been for years. I have watched some truly bad films in my ongoing attempt to find hidden gems. This movie is not one of those. This movie is not even the carbon that after eons becomes a gem. This movie is less than what I used to shovel out of the barn when I was young. The plot is impossible to decipher, the dialogue is a mishmash of inanities, the acting is agonizing to witness. I was going to say the effects were like those of 70s movies, but effects done in the 70s at least had some integrity...they at least tried to make things believable! If the makers of this movie were actually trying, well, that is a horrifying thought. Give it up and find another career, or go back to school and learn something, please, people. Don't subject audiences to such a disgrace of film making. I am convinced that cchase is the director of this flick, because only a director of such ineptitude could ramble on and on (and on) about his accomplishment when he should be hiding his head in shame. If only there were an "empty star vote", meaning less than zero, that is the vote I would have chosen. People, even if you get a chance to watch this one for free and you are desperate for entertainment, I beg you please, give it a miss. I wish I had. Life is just too short.
krlyme As a massive horror movie fan. To see all of the people from my favorite horror movies in one movie...I was s excited. I cannot tell you how upset I was. I am writing a boo on my mothers advice about the horror movies I have seen. Like Leonard Maltin but not as cool. I am already in the thousands and ashamed to put this mess with so many of..uggh. Friday the 13th? Phantasam? American Nightmare? Fikken.after a stalker she returns to acting and not art with this. Woman from Texas Chainsaw..gag Oh BTW.. I guess I am going to have to write more because IMDb says I did not write enough, so..going through a divorce after 10 years..have 2 children and I guess you can see I love Horror. Is that enough IMDb?
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