R | 13 June 2014 (USA)
Hellion Trailers

When motocross and heavy metal obsessed, 13-year-old Jacob's delinquent behavior forces CPS to place his little brother Wes with his aunt, Jacob and his emotionally absent father must finally take responsibility for their actions and each other in order to bring Wes home.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Ian (Flash Review)Yep, bad parents leads to troubles kids. Another story of parents that are absent, drunks, immature or all the above. The story revolves around the older son of a father who loses their wife/mother; a very underdeveloped part of the story. So the older kid misbehaves while the father isn't around. Burning things, fighting and hanging around another kids with emotional issues based on dysfunctional families as well. The movie repeats that cycle of behavior more than it needs thus I felt the story was very thin and didn't build on fewer and more interesting nuggets. I would have felt more emotionally engaged had the backstory been there at all. The acting was stellar. Aaron Paul and the older boy had a few really good emotional moments but those were too short and not enough of them. Substandard cinematography. There are better examples of this well-worn subject matter. Had it not been for the acting, I'd of rated this a 4/10.
Prismark10 Hellion also known as Retribution is a slight tale from writer and director Kat Candler which has slow, unrushed placing.The film chronicles a family on the edge of destruction in rural Southeast Texas. Jacob Wilson (Josh Wiggins) likes heavy metal and loves motocross biking. He and his mates also get into vandalism and arson. Unfortunately for them, for every wrong move they make the police are immediately on to them.His father Hollis (Aaron Paul) is also broken. He his grieving over the loss of his wife, drinks too much and not spending enough time to look after his two children, their house is squalid. Hollis was a one time local baseball star. His actions also brings him to the attention of the police. The behaviour of both puts the younger son Wes at risk and into the hands of the child protection services who have him fostered out to his aunt Pam (Juliette Lewis.)Things take a turn for the worse when Jacob and his gang go to the aunt's house to visit Wes.The film has naturalistic performances from the child actors which is the big plus for the film. Everything is low key, fatalistic even. The only thing sunny here is the weather. The pacing is uneven as the film is a slow burner. There is too much contrivances, the police seem to be always there when there is trouble which is hard to swallow.There is irony to see Lewis being terrorised at the end of the movie from a gang of kids, after all she did her share of terrorising twenty years ago in films like Natural Born Killers.
leonblackwood Review: I found the tone of this movie quite glum and in some ways, pretty depressing. Its based around a man who has lost his wife and struggles to bring up his 2 young sons. The elder son is a young rebel whose always in trouble with the law and the younger son a a sweat child whose in the middle of power struggle between the father, who can't find the time to spend with his children, the sister in-law, who wants the best for the child, and the elderly, son who wants to bring him into his gang. This is the 3rd movie that I have seen this weekend, which is based around the youth of today, controlling there elders and treating them with disrespect. As usual, they end up in trouble and eventually find out, the hard way, that there elders wanted the best for them but the power struggle between the two generations always causes turmoil along the way. This is definitely the case with this film and I found the rebellious kids annoying and frustrating. The dad, played by Aaron Paul, showed a lot of emotion in his role and he played his part well but the pace of the movie is very slow and it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Average! Round-Up: Judging by the movies box takings, I'm not alone with thinking that this movie was pretty boring. You also don't get to see any of the characters past and the storyline keeps on referring to the death of the main characters wife, which doesn't get explained. I'm always a bit sceptical when it comes to these Hillie Billie movies were everyone in the town knows everyone's business, because there's always a group of people who get away with murder and no one batters an eyelid. Anyway, Aaron Paul made this film watchable, but all of his movies have been quite moody so I would like to see him take on a different type of role. Maybe that's how he is in real life! After the fantastic Breaking Bad series, his been getting quite a bit of work so he should take this opportunity to show off his acting skills, if he has any. Although the subject matter in this film was deep and meaningful, it didn't really do it for me because I didn't find it entertaining or that interesting.Budget: N/A Worldwide Gross: $56,000 (Terrible!)I recommend this movie to people who are into their deep dramas about a man who struggles to bring up his two young sons after the death of his wife. 3/10
z-jennings-50-907222 First of all let me start by saying that I saw this movie at a theater downtown, so I was not at SXSW or Sundance, so I may have not had the same experience as others. But let me tell you this, this is fantastic. I loved every second of this film. it was exhilarating, emotional , and unpredictable. I swear, this movie will make you go through the most emotional ride you've been on all year. And the performance's are riveting. Aaron Paul, fresh off of breaking bad fame is absolutely excellent, his performance had so much emotion that, at points, made me tear up. And newcomer Josh Wiggins did a phenomenal job because he had a performance that felt so real and was at times heartbreaking to watch. And Juliette Lewis was great in her role as well. But the one thing that I like the most about this was the directing by Kat Candler, as she gave this movie a good sense of grit to it, and that's why I give this movie a 10/10. so that's my review of hellion!! now if you want to check out my review later today go to YouTube and look up ghostface3000100