Trouble with the Curve
Trouble with the Curve
PG-13 | 21 September 2012 (USA)
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Slowed by age and failing eyesight, crack baseball scout Gus Lobel takes his grown daughter along as he checks out the final prospect of his career. Along the way, the two renew their bond, and she catches the eye of a young player-turned-scout.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
juneebuggy I liked this one quite a bit even though it borders on predictable and Clint Eastwood portrays exactly the same hard headed, grumpy old man character he did in 'Gran Torino' and 'Million Dollar Baby'. Amy Adams is likable and engaging as his daughter and there is also a more than decent back up cast in Justin Timberlake, John Goodman, Robert Patrick, Matthew Lillard and George Wyner.This is not so much a baseball movie as a drama following Gus Lobel, a veteran talent scout for the Atlanta Braves whose eyesight (and ability to pee) is failing him. The front office begins to question if he has become to old to continue and an upcoming scouting job could be his last.This brings in his estranged daughter who reteams with Gus, putting her own career in jeopardy while hoping to finally get some answers from dad who (in another cliché Clint storyline) can't let go of the past.We also get a lukewarm romance between Adams and a former pick of Gus's turned rival scout named Johnny (Timberlake).As a whole this was unchallenging and predictable but also heartwarming and charming in an old fashioned movie sort of way. Its worth a watch. 10/23/16
thekarmicnomad Clint Eastwood is an old grumpy, but successful baseball scout. As his health declines is successful lawyer daughter steps in to help him out. The two clash over old issues.First off, not an awful lot happens in this movie. This is all about the relationship between father and daughter, even that story is fairly pedestrian. Saying that the characters, acting and direction are all good.I enjoyed this film, it was a nice gentle film, but not endearing enough to enter my Rainy Sunday DVD collection.I watched this, smiled a few times and now will forget it.
blanche-2 Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams as father and daughter attempt to connect in "Trouble with the Curve" from 2012.For those who criticized the baseball part of the film, asking if the production had a consultant, etc., I will say that the baseball was what Hitchcock called "The McGuffin" - an excuse for the real story.Eastwood plays Gus, an Atlanta Braves scout who has been in the business for perhaps too long - he has macular degeneration and glaucoma - maybe - but he won't see a specialist. His daughter, Mickey, is a lawyer heading for partner in a high-powered Atlanta firm. It's scouting time again, and Gus' boss and friend Pete (John Goodman) is afraid he isn't up to it. There is a newcomer to the team administration who uses computers to choose players, and his eye is on a kid named Gentry. Nervous, Pete calls Mickey and asks her to go with her father to North Carolina and help him. Mickey is in the middle of the case that will make her partner, but she goes out of a sense of duty. Also, she wants her father to talk to her and explain why he abandoned her for much of her childhood. As a result, she pushes everyone away, including a scout they meet in North Carolina (Justin Timberlake) who is interested in her.This is a beautifully acted if predictable story about healing wounds and communicating, something that is difficult for an old- fashioned father to do. Clint Eastwood is an irascible character similar to his role in Gran Torino - he brings a lot of humor to the part as well as some powerful dramatic moments.Amy Adams looks for all the world like she's 28 - she was 38 when she made this, playing a 33-year-old. She brings a poignancy to her performance as a workaholic and vulnerable young woman.Very enjoyable, and I shed a few tears besides. Highly recommended.
iamtheeye-82-615479 By default this film earns three stars because it's about baseball and an additional one because of Clint. While the film was well-intentioned in its depiction of how "old school" scouts are slowly being replaced by young "whiz kid" number crunchers it ultimately failed with its soft, off-tangent narratives and clumsy casting. Clint was his usual self and has been pretty much been playing the same role since "Million Dollar Baby" (an excellent boxing film by the way, but I digress) while Amy Adams wasted her talents on a poorly written and poorly directed film. I don't dislike Justin Timberlake (I loved his depiction of Sean Parker in "The Social Network") but he was all wrong for this film. His overall performance was what is expected but that play-by- play call of a famous HR in the bar was really poorly executed and it made me cringe. He looked unnatural and it was evident that here was someone pretending to like baseball and not actually appreciating what a beautiful game it can be and is. If you care to watch films about baseball and learn a bit about the sport please the following, you won't be disappointed (in no particular order):Major League Moneyball Field of Dreams A League of Their Own The Sandlot Bull Durham Little Big League
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