Father's Little Dividend
Father's Little Dividend
NR | 05 April 1951 (USA)
Father's Little Dividend Trailers

Newly married Kay Dunstan announces that she and her husband are having a baby, leaving her father to come to grips with the fact that he will soon be a granddad.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Tweekums Stanley Banks is looking forward to enjoying a little freedom a year after his daughter, Kay, has got married but that is short-lived when he learns that he is to become a grandfather. He is far from overwhelmed at the prospect but his wife and the other grandparents to be are overjoyed… to the extent that they start to take over from Kay; giving their ideas of what the baby should be named among other things. There are some hiccoughs before the baby, a boy, is born then Stanley is a little put out by the fact that the little one gets on with the rest of the family but cries the moment he sets eyes on him.I was a little concerned that having not seen 'Father of the Bride' this might be a little hard to get into; thankfully it didn't matter at all. The story is fun with a decent number of laughs throughout. It isn't plot heavy; more a series of mostly amusing events that take place between the announcement that Kay is pregnant and the christening of the child. There is some drama although I doubt anybody will think things won't be resolved fairly quickly. Spencer Tracy does a fine job as Stanley Banks; this is very much his film as he is rarely off screen. He is ably supported by Joan Bennett as his wife Ellie and Elizabeth Taylor as Kay. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of older films who want a fun film which contains no offensive material.
mark.waltz The dysfunction of flustered Spencer Tracy continues as he faces becoming a grandfather the year after being the father of the bride. He objects to an immediate baby shower and wife Joan Bennett's desire for the couple to move in. Bennett fantasizes about re-decorating Taylor's old room into a nursery as if she was Myrna Loy's Mrs. Blandings describing blue to decorators for her dreamhouse. Daughter Elizabeth Taylor is the only one considerate toward's Tracy's feelings, exploding at everybody else when they try to take over again. His kitten more precious to him than ever, Tracy gives her the wisdom she is craving. This makes their scenes together even more poignant and indicates why a sequel was a very good idea.While the two films pay closer attention to Tracy, the lovely Liz gets more attention here over wife Joan Bennett who was the dominant female in the first. Ms. Taylor had a few good outbursts, her character truly becomes revealed as a genuinely lovely young lady inside and out. The screenplay lightly explores how emotional a pregnancy can be, intertwining that with marital issues that come out of those pregnancy hormones. Bennett is more of a light-hearted nag here, well-meaning but a bit bossy and continuously throwing the baby in the reluctant grandfather's face. At that rate, Tracy will never bond with the infant unless fate steps in. That is where this rises above becoming a '50s version of the Andy Hardy series, showing genuinely real people rather than Louis B. Mayer's idealistic view of what he thought a real American family should be.
TheLittleSongbird I love the original Father of the Bride. Father's Little Dividend isn't as good, it is a little too short and there is nothing ground-breaking or special really in the story. However, it is still very good and very entertaining, and it is a little more realistic than the original I think. The cinematography and production values are still very promising, and the script is witty. The film is snappily paced and Vincente Minelli's direction is efficient. The acting I have nothing to criticise, Spencer Tracy is wonderful with his comic timing yet never stops to have a warm and loving chemistry with his co-stars. Elizabeth Taylor is also still lovely. Overall, a very entertaining sequel. 8/10 Bethany Cox
disdressed12 to me,this sequel to Father of the Bride is not as good.for one thing,there's less humour involved.it's more like a lite drama.also,i don't feel it has the same flow as "Bride".i didn't hate it,but i wouldn't call it a good movie either.maybe average at best.it's basically a rehash of "Bride" though instead of a marriage,its the impending birth of a baby,and Grandfatherhood.also,the particular DVD i viewed the movie on,had poor sound quality and no subtitle or caption options,so it was hard to hear everything.as far as i know,it's the only edition available.i would just warn anyone that this movie may only be available in poor quality.anyway,for me,Father's Little Dividend is a 5/10
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