Definitely, Maybe
Definitely, Maybe
PG-13 | 14 February 2008 (USA)
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When Will decides to tell his daughter the story of how he met her mother, he discovers that a second look at the past might also give him a second chance at the future.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Executscan Expected more
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
TheGDfather So you wanted to come here to see the review of movie and if you should watch it or not. This movie was made in 2008 and my girlfriend and I seen this movie at the Movies. She eventually saw how much I liked it and rented the DVD for me. This movie is a surprise all around. Every once in a while a movie will play it off like its some romantic comedy just to get viewers from all type of sexes. But this movie is told from a male point of view. The only one that I know of.I know most people have seen The Notebook. And all kind of other romantic movies. Those are all told from a woman perspective. Where everything ends happily ever after, and the woman is indecisive and guys treat her like garbage but she finds a prince or some nice guy (who is usually extremely attractive) she ends up with.Well that doesn't happen here. There are 3 women for the most part. All great actors. Another thing about some of those other romantic movies is the women are so predictable it doesn't give them a chance to act out their character. All three women in this movie are good actors. Especially the brunette and the red head. The Red head(isla Fisher) was a great actor. Simply sarcastic and really emotional at times even though her personality is "i don't care".Definitely something I've noticed even in my life. The attitudes of these women and their own relationships and how they ended are super realistic. The only thing that is not realistic is the little girl but hey they had to have something in their to attract audiences. And she was funny as well. Kind of had a dakota fanning attitude but less annoying to be honest.I'm not going to go through play by play with the movie. Who ever reads this will have to watch them movie. So if you are just on here to see if you really watch the movie, you should watch it. If you are on here to see if people agree with you I guess I would fall into the majority. 7.2 is really high for a grade for a movie on IMDb, cause most people rate the movies compared to the godfather and gone with the wind.Once again when my girlfriend first suggested this movie I was like "here we go, another chick flick", its going to be woman does what she wants, when she wants, men are jerks but she finds a guy who treats her nice, look good, and has a nice job while the other guy loses his job and ends up a loser". Yawn!!! But this movie did not end up like that and the sarcasm in this movie is wonderful.
FilmBuff1994 Definitely Maybe is a good movie with a well developed plot and a great comedic cast. It's an enjoyable, original romantic comedy that, despite its premise, is actually not predictable, it is genuinely intriguing for us as an audience to find out who ends up being Maya's mother. Ryan Reynold's brings in excellent charm in the lead role and seems to have instant chemistry with the all the main actresses, particularly Isla Fisher and Rachel Weisz. The plot can be a bit convoluted at times and had several plot points that felt unnecessary, such as making Bill Clinton's run as president a major part of the story, it took me away from this movie when they began speaking about real events. I would love to have seen more of Hampton, Kevin Kline's brief portrayal of the character was funny and natural, I think he really could have added another layer to the film if he had a bigger role. It certainly has its flaws, but Definitely Maybe is a sweet, different romantic comedy and if that's what you are looking for, that's exactly what you will get. A man tells his daughter about the series pf events leading up to her birth. Best Performance: Kevin Kline
Python Hyena Definitely, Maybe (2008): Dir: Adam Brooks / Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Rachel Weisz, Elizabeth Banks, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin: Romantic comedy about decisions within relationships. Ryan Reynolds plays a single father who tells his daughter about the identity of her mother. He tells of college girlfriend played by Elizabeth Banks who chooses not to join him in New York. Rachel Weisz plays Banks's former roommate who is currently rooming with an author. Isla Fisher plays a copy girl whom he meets at his campaign headquarters. Director Adam Brooks is backed by a clever ending despite having a formula structure but perhaps the film's best asset is the mystery upon who the target female is. Brooks skillfully makes all parties appear to be possible mothers. Reynolds plays off a loving father who has been in a few relationships yet his daughter currently remains his top priority. All three female leads bring identifiable persona to the material. Banks brings the excitement of college free spirit. Weisz provides the promise of continual love. Isla Fisher is the potential for opportunity and possible future. All three present different mood all the while being the perpetrator to which the mystery is based. Finally there is Abigail Breslin as the daughter curious as to where she came from and who is partially responsible. Otherwise it definitely displays the venture to love. Score: 9 / 10
Sanjhbati M Definitely, Maybe is a 2008 romantic comedy film directed by Adam Brooks, and starring Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fisher, Rachel Weisz, Elizabeth Banks, Abigail Breslin and Kevin Kline. IMDb gives it 7.2. According to Rotten Tomato it scored 72% A love triangle. Its about a good boy haunting for love. A political consultant tries to explain his impending divorce and past relationships to his 11- year-old daughter. And see what happen next. Ten-year-old Maya (Abigail Breslin) is heartbroken to see her parents splitting up, but she's determined to find out precisely how it was that mom and dad came together in the first place. When Maya starts questioning her father Will (Ryan Reynolds) about his life before marriage, dad's memories soon drift back to the time when, as a naïve Wisconsin native and aspiring politician hoping to work on the presidential election, he first arrived in New York City. As Will gradually became savvy to the ways of the big city, he gradually developed romantic relationships with three very different women: Emily (Elizabeth Banks) was the girl-next-door that he could always depend on, apolitical April (Isla Fisher) was the best friend and confidante who was always there to listen, and free-spirited journalist Summer (Rachel Weisz) was both beautiful and ambitious. In order to prevent his perceptive little girl from predicting the outcome before his story is told, Will carefully changes the names of his three romantic interests, creating a hopelessly romantic puzzle that highlights both the joys and hardships of true love. Dun forget to watch out Abigail Kathleen Breslin's acting (an American actress. She is one of the youngest actresses ever to be nominated for an Academy Award )