The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy
R | 01 February 2000 (USA)
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy Trailers

A close-knit group of gay friends share the emotional roller coster of life, relationships, the death of friends, new beginnings, jealousy, fatherhood and professional success. At various stages of life's disarray, these young men share humorous and tragic relationships and always have each other to rely on.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
SnoopyStyle It's a group of gay friends in West Hollywood. Dennis (Timothy Olyphant) is a photographer with an upcoming birthday. Benji (Zach Braff) is blonde. Cole (Dean Cain) is the charismatic manizer. The group also includes grad student Howie, Taylor, Patrick, Leslie, Anne and many others. Jack (John Mahoney) is the owner of a restaurant who keeps trying organize a softball team The Broken Hearts.Everybody is being so gay. It reeks of sitcom gays except it is so sincere. It is a gay rom-com. The comedy is pretty weak. The romance is fleeting. There are so many characters and some of them blend into each together. I don't feel for any of the relationships. I couldn't keep track of who's who and I don't really care about any of them.
meaninglessbark Broken Hearts Club is pretty much the exact sort of movie you can see on Lifetime or the Hallmark Channel but with an all gay plot. It's a slickly produced feel good movie with an attractive cast. And that's it. Great for Saturday evening viewing if, unlike the characters in the film, you're not out at a club. A shot or two of tequila or a few glasses of wine or a couple bottles of beer or all of the above will vastly improve your viewing pleasure.Since Broken Hearts Club doesn't think it's something it isn't it's sort of not fair to tear it apart. But if you don't like cliché characters, completely predictable plots, unfunny jokes, and ridiculous dialog don't watch Broken Hearts Club.
Armand About gay life style. Gray, red nuances and melancholic crumbs. Few friends and their circle. Small dramas and a new definition for normal existence. Same ordinary sins and expectations. Same need of the other and same desire to define himself. It is not a film about a minority. Or description of a society level. But a picture. Small, naive, complicated, with many shadows and young faces. A page. About beauties of life and the ways to have essence of its. It is not a case. Films about relationship between gays are a lot. But in this case special is the science to say the small facts not as sketch of damned people or strange little world but as mirror of ordinaries tensions, games or sadness. That is all!
John Frame I liked Broken Hearts Club from the first preview session in a local (Brisbane) boutique cinema. I've thoroughly enjoyed it several times since on DVD - including last night. The only flaw that really gets to me is in the opening scene where the gay friends are playing at acting straight and Benji is declared the loser for misusing the term "girlfriend". Dennis adds one too many negatives when explaining why Benji has lost, saying "There isn't a straight man in America who doesn't call anyone but their girlfriend 'girlfriend'." The intention was to state that straight men never call each other "girlfriend", so he should instead have said "There isn't a straight man in America who calls anyone but their girlfriend 'girlfriend'." It's a minor point to some, perhaps, but double negatives (especially when misused) give me a severe headache.Broken Hearts Club still gets five stars, because the other flaws are truly trifling and there are some excellent memorable lines delivered by all of the characters.Dean Cain (one of the most attractive, and contentedly straight, men in the world) utterly convinces in his role as gay bimbo Cole and seems to be having the time of his life.I have a similar group of long term friends, in whom our only common denominator is that we're gay - which is why we met in the first place. Just as with the guys in this film, its the genuine ongoing mutual support of our friends which makes us happy to be gay. Our group of friends in suburban Brisbane is in many respects radically different from the fictional group in West Hollywood - but on the "heart and soul" level we're very similar. I'm sure that experience is shared and celebrated by viewers world-wide.
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