Clapham Junction
Clapham Junction
| 22 July 2007 (USA)
Clapham Junction Trailers

Set in the Clapham district of south London, England, the film is inspired by true events. The paths of several men intersect during a dramatic thirty-six hours in which their lives are changed forever.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Laakbaar This movie tells the story of what happens one week to a number of gay men in and around Clapham Junction, a well-known gay cruising area in London.The characters include various gay men who visit the park, including a gay couple, two or three closeted married men, a teenage musician, an amoral park lothario, a basher and his victims. The movie captures the excitement and danger of park cruising, but without showing the eroticism. Gay bashing is a major part of the plot.In one narrative, we follow sexy but tortured Tim, a suspected pedophile, as he is seduced by 14-year-old Theo. There is no doubt who is the aggressor. Tim, who apparently likes them young, is helpless. (I agree with the other reviewers that this scene is powerful and erotically charged. However, it would have been more disturbingly realistic if the actor playing Theo actually did look 14. He looks more like 19. This robbed the scene of its shock value.) However, in the end, Tim must face the acidic wrath of a demented mother who knows nothing about her son, and perhaps does not wish to.All these characters are neatly linked, and not just by the geography.The final scene shows the musician's smashed violin, complete with sad music. I get it. Clapham Junction is not a happy place. Cruising in a park is double plus ungood, and not just because of the violence. Gay men are victims. Resist temptation at all costs. The picture this movie paints is a dark one. A stereotypical one. We are living in a world of hysterical mothers, gay bashers lurking in the bushes, and desperate gay men with unacceptable urges.Yes, these are stories that should be told, I suppose, but...surely there are also a few happy gay stories in and around Clapham Junction? The movie feeds on the stereotype of gay men as unhappy creatures leading pathetic lives. Sorry, but it's not realistic, is it?
fubared1 Any organization or individual who is homophobic or hates gays in any way is going to love this film. Here we have every negative gay stereotype imaginable. First we have the gay guy who cheats on his husband on the day they are married. Then there's the pedophile who has sex with a 14 year old boy. Then we have the guys who revel in sex in a public bathroom. Then we have the fat, ugly old priest or minister or whatever. Then we have the closeted, married gay man. Then we have the gay basher who is himself bashed when he reveals his true nature and tries to have sex with a fat, ugly guy. The only stereotype we seem to be missing is the raving gay transvestite, but then most transvestites are heterosexual. So the lesson to be learned here is that it is not possible for gay men to have happy productive lives or 'normal' sex. And if there were anyone associated with this film who is gay, they should be ashamed of themselves for promoting these negative stereotypes.
jmcgurn As I gay man, I really liked this film. A more positive vision for at least a few of the characters would have made the movie better. But the acting is very good and violence against gay men still exists today. I have to say that I did not have a problem with the relationship between Theo & Tim. I do not support pedophilia by any means(!), but at 14 ("almost fifteen"), Theo is sexually mature and not confused about his sexuality. He seduces Tim; Tim asks him to leave (4 times I think). I don't believe we know for a fact that Tim is a pedophile. It's only word of mouth from Theo's mother, so consider the source! Their scenes together are quite moving.Watch this film but beware, some of what you will see is very disturbing.
kevinmcginness I was extremely exited when i heard the 40th year since homosexuality was decriminalised was to be marked with this one off drama, and was looking forward to clapham junction giving an insight and celebrating the changes that society has made in dealing with homosexuality in 21st century Britain.I was profoundly disappointed to see that the programme makers decided to concentrate on negative stereotypes of promiscuous partners, horrendous homophobic attacks,closeted husbands and predatory homosexuals preying on underage boys.this type of drama into gay lifestyle gives an untrue representation of how modern gay people live their lives showing that nothing much has changed from the stereotype of the 1950s and 60s. The writers had a massive responsibility and opportunity to show a positive and refreshing view on the matter, particularly for younger people struggling to come to terms with sexuality. Sadly they opted for drama rather than fact.