The One I Love
The One I Love
R | 22 August 2014 (USA)
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On the brink of separation, Ethan and Sophie escape to a beautiful vacation house for a weekend getaway in an attempt to save their marriage. What begins as a romantic and fun retreat soon becomes surreal, when an unexpected discovery forces the two to examine themselves, their relationship, and their future.

Alicia I love this movie so much
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
david jones oh my god this movie is amazing until the very end. be ready for twists and surprises, i want to poop myself the movie is so good. dear lord i haven't seen a movie this good in a long time. get ready for drama, love and suspense. top 10 movies of the year (2017), cant believe i just discovered this movie!!!! I am pretty hard with movie reviews and this one makes my top 10.
d_m_s The One I love started off pretty interesting after the couple that are the focus of the film are sent to a country house by their psychiatrist to try to patch up their differences.I recently watched Coherence and this film went a bit Coherence-y when the couple discover an alternate version of themselves living in the guest house of the country home.Although the 'rules' are never explained, it seems (in the beginning at least anyway) that only one of the couple can go in at a time and whichever one goes in sees the alternate version of their spouse. In other words, whenever the husband goes into the guest house he only ever sees the alternate version of his wife but never himself, and vice versa.This makes up the bulk of the film, with them each taking turns at going in and interacting with the alternate version of their spouse. It's here that the pace slows and the whole thing becomes quite dull and repetitive. I lost interest quite early on and the film never got any better. At the end the alternate versions of them reveal that they knew what was going on the whole time and that in order for the alt versions to leave the guest house which they are trapped in, the original versions of the couple must take their place. What complicates matters is that the original version of the wife is falling in love with the alternate version of the husband, which was pretty predictable. The ending, where it turns out the husband unknowingly left with the alternate version of his wife was obvious and predictable too.Overall I was pretty disappointed with this film. Like Coherence, the concept was good but it was executed poorly.
ChEd Lugagne If you go past the overall poor acting and flat dialogues, you get to a plot that might turn interesting. It actually managed to get me excited for a few minute, even if it was after a very long bored waiting for the pain to go. The characters are overly understanding, OK and chill with the whole situation. They even ask for more. You get so little attached to any of the characters that whatever happens is of little interest to you. Annoyment is also apparently the most they can feel and you would be probably less shocked by their behavior if they were teenagers, not a married couple. Some queues by the DP on his way to shoot the movie give away a part of the plot, luckily it's has no point in the end, as most other queues to a deeper meaning. In the end you get a poor Peter Pan story, a few nice shots (if you like trees and lens flare...) and the most expected, uninspired and badly brought over end you could find to this story. All this in the most convoluted package you could think off... It's sad, it was very close to a pretty good plot for a RomCom, but it doesn't get there. You end up wondering why they even bothered to make things so complicated... Bad enough to motivate my first written review on IMDb!
V Mateo I could honestly say this movie was unexpectedly good. I admit reading a bit of a spoiler and yet did not quite see the twist coming. I would've given a 10/10 - or perhaps a 12/10 if we could - if it wasn't because we - the viewers - were left with sorta ambiguity and mystery with the desktop scene. It would've been even better if that scene was cut out but then again it didn't make sense to me at first when Ethan was discovering the house and passed by that room therefore leaving us with questions. That was obviously intentional. I'm personally not a romantic comedy fan but the plot seemed so intriguing that I had to check it out and I do not regret it.
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