The Pill
The Pill
| 16 December 2011 (USA)
The Pill Trailers

Worried that he has gotten the free-spirited Mindy pregnant after an unprotected one-night stand, Fred feigns romantic interest and sticks by her side for twelve hours to make sure she takes both doses of the morning-after pill.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jack Vasen The plot is ridiculous. That is the funniest part of the movie - the stupid sequence of circumstances. I certainly don't remember laughing at any lines. The characters are not likable at all. As for Fred, if his lips are moving he is lying. And his live-in girlfriend is out of town, so he has a one night stand. He spends almost all of the movie manipulating Mindy so she won't be pregnant. And all this time spent with Mindy is while his live-in girlfriend is texting him constantly that she is on the way home. Mindy is just plain nutty and in my opinion not too bright. She doesn't care that she had unprotected sex neither fearing STD's nor that it took place right in the middle of her fertile cycle. She apparently recently had sex with another man not too long prior to Fred because a used condom is on top of the trash in her bathroom. Apparently she isn't entirely truthful either. But Mindy might be a little likable in a sweet, affectionate sort of way. Fred's live-in girlfriend is even meaner than Fred, but her screen time is so much less than either of the other two, she really had to pour it on in the time she had to display her mean and manipulative side. The writers seem to have no problem with a woman taking sex from a man with either no consent, or half-hearted consent. They also can't seem to find any funny dialogue.I only watched this movie and stuck with it because I like Rachel Boston. Poor woman had little to work with in this script and got to show very little of her usual sunny disposition. There were a few scenes of the two people "having fun", but Rachel had to try too hard to make that impression and it really didn't work very well. As for Noah Bean, he had only one mode through the entire film and it wasn't happy. As another person commented, usually a Romantic comedy has romance. Not this one. Sex, yes but with clothes on, and no romance.
seronjaa-797-313124 I guess, I could just write what I hate about the movie: the main characters are unbelievable in all the bad ways. The guy is a spineless worm of a person, who we are supposed to think has grown somehow during the movie and the girl is a crazy person with no social awareness at all and on top of that, has not the slightest knowledge about her own body. She is just a crazy stupid person. Of course, to somehow try to justify the guy's selfish manipulative, but spineless behaviour, the third person, his girlfriend, has to be a cold control freaky b****. What do we learn from this movie: if a person is neat and loves having a tidy place, he must be a cold hearted control freak and that person is bad. But if someone is behaving like a stupid pre- teen child and behaving against all common sense, that person must be a nice fun person. And if a guy is spineless and weak, that poor thing is just being manipulated by the bad witches, that are woman. He's just a confused little puppy, that needs a hug. I would like to see a movie, where these characters are tortured to death slowly and painful, just as the viewers of this movie are tortured by these unbelievably horrible characters and script.
Hongkee_Moviegoer Im really surprised the IMDb rating for this movie is so low! Im so sure this movie would have been a big commercial success if the casts were all changed into some Hollywood big stars. I would say this movie is tied with "No Strings Attached" but has definitely beat "Friends with Benefits".The storyline is pretty simple but I do like how the writer/director is capable of catching those small things and moments of a relationship and delivering them smoothly. But sadly the dynamic between both leading characters is not strong enough. For this part, in comparison, Aston Kutcher and Natale Portman in "No Strings" have way better gravity.Both actresses, Rachel Boston and Anna Chlumsky, are hot enough and I must mention that the performance of Rachel Boston in this film is way better than how she does in Witches of East End. She deserves more than just acting in those lousy teenage drama shows.
Armand a romantic comedy. many clichés, a not complicated story, amusing, charming, nice and without be extraordinary, it is special for the courage of director to use a delicate theme. to broke the common laws of genre and present image of deep vulnerability of ordinary people. to formulate few interesting questions. inspired spices are the French accent of Mindy family and the read books by Fred and his girl friend before the breakup. an interesting exercise and the chance for Noah Bean to do a character who remembers usual type of young man of today. the fear, the immaturity, the fragility, the impossibility of correct choice, the insecurity, all, each are a correct portrait in his good performance. Rachel Boston is perfect choice for translate the mixture between vulnerability and huge need of freedom and people. a beautiful film.