Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List
Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List
| 18 September 2015 (USA)
Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List Trailers

The bonds between Naomi and Ely are tested when they fall for the same guy.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
sendmejunk-nie I went in wanting to assess Matthew Daddario's acting so I had little to no expectations. It's a nice little movie with a good pace, great music and excellent costumes.Victoria's acting did nothing for me. At no point in the movie did I feel her despair, excitement or any other emotion she was apparently experiencing. Pierson was amazing, touching, sensitive and sensible. Sadly, Victoria was giving him so little material to work with, he often came out too strong and overtly emotional. Still, an actor I will watch out for.So I went in for him but he was the biggest disappointment. I found he played his character the same way he plays Alec in Shadowhunters. Huge bummer... While in Shadowhunters it works great with the book character as it brings him a more complete personality - except for the occasional out of character lines - it worked even better here as Gabriel. The two characters are so blurred, now I will see Gabriel every time I watch Alec. That being said, great chemistry between Gabriel and Naomi, Naomi and Ely but nothing between Ely and Bruce 2.Overall, it's an OK movie that 16 years old girls should enjoy. I would recommend it to them.
cb229 This movie was so far beyond bad I can't even find any amusement from making fun of it. The titular Naomi is one of the most annoying characters ever committed to screen. Vapid, self-absorbed, lazy, irresponsible and mean-spirited. And then she's somehow surprised when her life goes to "ruins". And I use that term lightly considering she doesn't actually have any REAL problems to speak of. Just petty drama worthy of junior high brats. And the character is made all the more obnoxious by having some random, horrid actress cast in the role. Wouldn't be surprised if they fished her out of the dregs of the Disney channel....Ely at least has some redeemable qualities. But he's spineless and refuses to stand up for himself as Naomi continuously walks all over him to make herself feel better about her sorry life. Their entire relationship is toxic. The co-dependency is borderline pathologic. In short, the only people who could possibly enjoy this drivel are thirteen year old girls who want to have their pathetic lifestyles reaffirmed. Or grown adults who are thirteen year old girls at heart and refuse to grow up and join the real world.
shannonlord I am usually super cynical when it comes to movies like this, but I found it to be adorable. The characters are charming, Victoria Justice is someone that my kids watch constantly but her role in this was fantastic, and Pierson Fode is the perfect Ely. The plot continues to progress for this couple with an interesting dynamic. A lot of titles like this seem to be super predictable, and while there are times where you might feel as if you know exactly what is coming, you get a surprise and get sucked right back in. It really shows the many forms of love. I will definitely be recommending to all of my friends...
bethanywumt "Naomi and Ely's" was an enjoyable 90 minutes spent relaxing on the couch on a Sunday night. This sweet coming of age story has some touching moments. You find yourself relating with the main characters as they learn to forgive, let go, love, and figure out how to adapt as their friendship matures. My emotion strings were tugged while watching this flick. I laughed, cried, felt sympathy and understanding, and truly cared for the characters and how their story ended. The plot was good, the dialogue well written, and the acting was relatable. Overall, I was entertained and happy that I chose to rent this movie and spend my Sunday night watching it. :)
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