Space Station 76
Space Station 76
R | 19 September 2014 (USA)
Space Station 76 Trailers

A comedic drama about a group of people (and several robots) living on a space station in a 1970s-version of the future. When a new Assistant Captain arrives, she inadvertently ignites tensions among the crew, prompting them to confront their darkest secrets. Barely contained lust, jealousy, and anger all bubble to the surface, becoming just as dangerous as the asteroid that’s heading right for them.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
kz917-1 The movie Space Station 76 managed to suck all the fun out of the 1970s like an airlock would. In looking at the actors cast, one would think oh this should be good! While in reality the movie was just horrific. So many bad clichés, which I get the movie is set in the 1970s, but ugh. Really not necessary. Skip it.
brando647 I can't remember the last film I saw that frustrated me as much as SPACE STATION 76. I remember reading reviews when it hit the festival circuit and thinking how awesome it sounded. Then I was disappointed when it was finally released on home video and never found it's way into stores. I finally ordered it on Amazon (DVD because there was apparently no Blu-ray release) and…ugh…I want to like this movie more. It's not horrible. In fact, there's a lot of hilarious stuff in this movie. But the execution...the lack of any real main plot thread…it's aggravating. The premise is perfect: a science fiction film based on the imagined future of the 70's with a modern bent. Jessica Marlowe (Liv Tyler) is a new arrival on the station and finds that she's having trouble with her new crewmates. Captain Glenn (Patrick Wilson) is a closeted homosexual, an alcoholic, and a misogynist who resents Jessica's assignment under his command. Ted (Matt Bomer) and Misty (Marisa Coughlan) are unhappily married and have a daughter, Sunshine, who suffers more than anyone else aboard the station. Finally, there's Steve (Jerry O'Connell) and Donna (Kali Rocha); another picture perfect couple, Steve cheats on his wife while she remains home drinking wine and tending to their newborn child. SPACE STATION 76 is basically a comedy/soap opera that follows the lives of our deep space rejects as the tensions mount. The movie is apparently based on a stage play and I'm sort of curious to see it.Rarely had I seen a movie with so much going on but very little actually happening. Of all the subplots bubbling around each other, the thread with Marlowe, Ted, and Misty could probably be considered the "main" plot since it gets the most attention. Jessica and Ted are also the only decent people in the whole movie. Literally everyone else in the movie is pretty unlikeable. Funny, but unlikeable. The crew of the station and their significant others are two-faced, fickle, and brimming with distaste for everyone around them. You really start to feel bad for the little girl trapped in the middle of it all. At no point do they come together to overcome some obstacle or achieve a goal; there is no growth of any sort in SPACE STATION 76. In the end, no one has learned any sort of lesson or changed in any sense. The big climax seems to be the realization that their squabbles are small and stupid in the grand scheme of things. It's all very unsatisfying, story-wise. Although, with some tweaking, this could have worked as a mini-series or potential full television series. Actually, that sounds pretty good. I'd watch that. But as a 90 minute film, it falls pretty far short. It's a bummer because I wanted to love this movie. Still, aside from the aimless nature of the plot, this movie works well in most every other sense. SPACE STATION 76 is obviously someone's passion project and it shows in the details.The production design and the visual gags are where the movie shines. Casual audiences might not see the charm in the simplistic sets and retro costuming. Fans of cheesy 60's and 70's science fiction will love it. It's very much a classic design with a modern (miniscule) budget. The CG effects are limited and cheap, and they fit the vibe of the film just right. Most of the film's humor is derived from the setting and it works. A prime example: the station has a therapist on board, Mr. Bot. Mr. Bot looks like a cheap 80's children's' toy robot and he's programmed to latch on to key phrases, distributing advice…and Valium…to his patients. It's a fun recurring gag. Ted is missing a hand and has had it replaced with what reminds me of an old Nintendo power glove that he must physically plug into a wall to recharge. There's a great ongoing bit where one character's repeated attempts at suicide are foiled by the system's automated safety protocols. There's a lot of really good stuff in this movie and there were more than a few scenes that got a laugh from me. The problem is the dull ensemble melodrama it's all wrapped around. I hate to say it but I'm not sure there's enough to elicit a recommendation out of me. Fans of the genre it's satirizing will probably find enough to enjoy but, if you're like me, it'll leave you feeling unsatisfied. It's all sadly forgettable.
Klaus Ming Space Station 76 is a parody of the science fiction film genre that draws much of its dark and subtle humour from its retro-futuristic surroundings and its ability to play with the cultural differences between the 1970s and the present day. The film's plot is focused on the attempts of Jessica (Liv Tyler), a new crew member, and her attempts to fit in with station's terribly dysfunctional crew. Though built on an intriguing premise, but concluding rather abruptly and with little resolution, Space Station 76 promises much, but never fully delivers.
grantss So bad it's...still bad. Incredibly bad.Not sure if this movie was meant to be a comedy or a drama. As a comedy it wasn't funny, and as a drama it was incredibly amateurish. Loathsome characters - there's really nobody to like. Very silly sub-plots and dialogue, like a kid wrote the script.Surprisingly for a 2014 sci fi movie (or any 2014 movie, in fact), CGI is quite poor. Yeah, I know they were trying to recreate some sort of 1970s sci fi vibe with this movie, but did they have to go full Thunderbirds? Actually that's an insult to the original Thunderbirds - that had better special effects...There is almost nothing to like about this movie. The only interesting scenes are the ones involving the robots, as they turn out to be quite funny. Maybe not intentionally...The fact that the cast includes Jerry O'Connell tells you that this movie is going to be crap...he only acts in craptacular movies. However, don't know why Liv Tyler and Patrick Wilson are there - they can certainly do better. (Unless their careers have subsided to this extent). Marisa Coughlan gives one of the most annoying performances in the history of cinema.This movie is so incredibly and deliberately bad I can only think that the producers made it as a tax write-off.