The Scribbler
The Scribbler
R | 19 September 2014 (USA)
The Scribbler Trailers

Suki is a young woman confronting her destructive mental illness using "The Siamese Burn," an experimental machine designed to eliminate multiple personalities. The closer Suki comes to being "cured," she's haunted by a thought... what if the last unwanted identity turns out to be her?

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
amorpurusbg This is one of these movies who never reached cinemas or even local TV channels.I'll be honest, I initially got the movie because of Sasha Grey and watched it 2017. Movie is from 2014 for reference. Sasha stared for 2 minutes total. I know there is a bigger and deeper story behind this movie but I just don't like it. It's a story for a girl with serious mental disorder who goes into the tower with the highest suicidal rate to live with other people with mental disorders. Random stuff happens all the time and no one remembers nothing. There are talking dogs, elevators and other talking objects. Total no sense.*random people getting electrocuted all the time*The movie is dark, not like a dark "dark", just the picture is dark. Directors love to make dark movies in order to use less visuals.But there is plenty of visuals at later point. The effects remind me of the movies from late 90's. So at the end some of the patients of the tower become superheroes lead by their disorders and there is a fight. I didn't paid much attention here since I was totally bored to death from the first 1 hour movie.If you have epilepsy don't watch this movie.If you have some weird fetishes (or want to have some weird fetishes) you have to watch THIS right now!
KnockKnock1 I have not read the graphic novel this movie is based on nor have I ever watched an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I raise that point because apparently a few of the background performers in that famous TV show are plentiful enough for fans to remark this movie is something of a reunion. Whatever. Both things are lost on me. My thoughts here are just on this movie, nothing else.This is one of those movies that make you admonish it for being an exercise in style over substance. Visually it is good value. It is photographed well and you can see real effort put into the production design. Trippy camera movement and odd angles add to the atmosphere of random voices whispering in corridors, vague figures and shadows dancing about on the periphery. This movie is one long schizophrenic's interpretation of another schizophrenic's manic stricken nightmare.There isn't much order in the chaos. This movie is absent a coherent plot. Michelle Trachtenberg's famous long dark locks have been cut so short that she's unrecognizable and made to look quite plain. Stupid decision really. You need your stars to be recognizable. Rookie mistake.Ex porn star Sasha Grey appears randomly wearing clip-on bunny ears for some unknown reason, but she looks so cute wearing them you forgive her. That spectacle plus a sex scene with Katie Cassidy (the choreography and photography stolen from a far superior surrealist film, Fight Club) and Ashlynn Yennie wandering about totally nude are highlights in a totally unwatchable turgid flick that would do well to market itself as style over substance.
Finfrosk86 This movie definitely has some stuff going for it, but for my tastes it's a little too strange. I'm a guy that doesn't like strangeness in his movies, that much, but if you're the type that does, maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did.There are some cool characters. The acting is alright. There's a lot of "crazyness". There are some action sequences, unfortunately they aren't as cool as they should have been. The effects are OK. We're not talking sky high budgets here, but it looks alright.All in all it was just a little too tiring for me. Based on a graphic novel, maybe it also works best as just that.
Voyou Nobodysbusiness Seriously, or not: A young man lives alone with a bunch of slightly deranged beautiful babes, whom he bangs at their leisure. We're definitely in a fantasy world. Give some leeway to the believability of the setting - an empty, derelict, unsupervised tower housing the people I described - and what you'll really get is a very atmospheric tale.I find The Scribbler very Korean in its visuals and coolness, very Dickian in its portrayal of the confused heroine. The young main actress, K. Cassidy, is perfect and carries most of the film on her little shoulders, nicely supported by G. Dillahunt and G. Gershon. The rest of the cast is uneven, but acceptable.At some point, the film turns into a more casual, action-oriented romp, losing some of its appeal along with some of its technical qualities. Still, it was cool enough and short enough to keep me watching, if less enthusiastically.Watch The Scribbler if you like your paranoia sexy.