Bad Kids of Crestview Academy
Bad Kids of Crestview Academy
| 13 January 2017 (USA)
Bad Kids of Crestview Academy Trailers

It's four years later, and a new group of students has been placed in Saturday detention at the infamous and prestigious Crestview Academy. When Siouxsie, sophomore 'undercrust,' crashes the party to avenge her sister's death, a Saturday detention reserved for the privileged seniors of Crestview Academy turns into a date in hell. It's not long before a naïve pussycat lover, gay drug dealer, smokin' hot preacher's daughter, squeaky-clean senator's son, and the uninvited younger outsider find themselves locked-up in school with no way out, wondering who (or what) has set them up. Hilarity and suspense ensue while each 'bad kid' pits one against the other, and one by one each falls victim to absurdly gruesome 'accidents' while trying to escape.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
mbmarsh-05709 I really enjoyed the first movie "Bad Kids Go To Hell". Pretty good acting and a good plot and everything. But this one, "Bad Kids of Crestview Academy", just really disappointed me. A lot of the acting wasn't good. It seemed forced, over dramatic, and at times didn't make sense. But I think, at times, that had more to do with direction and the script than the actors themselves. The dialogue is the same. It was annoying and at times didn't make sense or unnecessary. I really about stopped watching a few times but I already invested the time and I just wanted to know how it ended, in case there is a third. But I literally suffered through the last half. The story line just sucked. I feel like there could have been more thought put into it and the dialogue or something.
indyj1 I enjoyed the film, but didn't love it like I do the the first movie. While they managed to capture the essence of the original film - telling the story in bits and pieces, out of order, any with layers within layers - but whereas they reached a point where that formula again worked, the film then went way too over-the-top in an attempt to really out crazy its predecessor. It was also disappointing that, while the first movie had reasonably well-developed, multi-layered characters, with the exception of the main character Siouxsie, all the others were ridiculously shallow one-note caricatures in this one. If you really loved Bad Kids Go to Hell, you're more likely to get some enjoyment out of this one, but don't expect it to be as good.
A_Different_Drummer .... which, depending on your POV, may or may not be a compliment.Here is the scoop -- there is a theory in the biz that if you deconstruct enough films in the same script, you may possibly trigger a paradox in the (Hollywood) time-space continuum, Star Trek style, and end up with a film which is actually a legitimate successor to the genre you were trying so hard to satirize.Which is what I think happened here.Ben Browder seems to have learned a LOT of valuable lessons from his first "Bad Kids" attempt -- just a rambly B movie which gained cult status because of some clever tropes -- and came back with a film which (I kid you not) has a remarkably tight script, good performances and good production values.Which is not to say that the Coen Brothers are nervous, far from it. But the script is so interesting (with sly hints of Scream, Friday the 13th, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and even No Country For Old Men) that it actually engages and holds the attention.And Sammi Hanratty gives what can best be called a bravura performance, biting into each line of dialogue and each piece of mayhem like she actually believes what she is saying ... like her career depends on it (which it probably DOES!) ... and essentially picks the film up and carries it to the finish line.Gina Gershon does little more than offer a parody of herself, but her character ironically provides a "political angle" to the film which conveniently comes at a time when the world at large is starting to see politicians as potentially more dangerous than serial killers.Recommended. And I predict there will be more in the series.
sergeivolkov Anyone who takes themselves seriously or the teen horror genre seriously will not like a comedy spoof on the genre.The movie at it's opening credits clearly sets itself up as a bloody comedy spoof on the teen horror movie theme. It throws in some modern tech jokes while keeping the familiar traditional killing formula.The cast looked the part and did a good job of acting...remembering it is a horror spoof they played their parts well. I did laugh in many places and enjoyed the off beat comedy choices.At the very end...i usually do not care who directed a movie but since this spoof was really well done i decided to go back and see who the directer was...Ben Browder ...LOL now i understand why the movie was so creative, not boring and had enough entertaining twists.Worth watching...just for fun!