Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
PG-13 | 21 July 2017 (USA)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Trailers

In the 28th century, Valerian and Laureline are special operatives charged with keeping order throughout the human territories. On assignment from the Minister of Defense, the two undertake a mission to Alpha, an ever-expanding metropolis where species from across the universe have converged over centuries to share knowledge, intelligence, and cultures. At the center of Alpha is a mysterious dark force which threatens the peaceful existence of the City of a Thousand Planets, and Valerian and Laureline must race to identify the menace and safeguard not just Alpha, but the future of the universe.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
marisamcekmail This film was so horrendous, that it actually made me go online to write a review, which I have never done. Horrible acting, horrible dialogues/ writing, horribly boring story, seems like a cheap knock off of guardians of the galax and Star Wars. Omfg. The lead actors look like children, they are smug all the time. It is just annoying to watch. Rihanna was the best character in there. The only reason I watched is that the special effects and animation was cool. Other than that. Obnoxius
karliskisis This movie has 6.5/10 rating.. which is totally unjustified. It is better than Avatar in "alien world creation". The different worlds and alien species are truly different and interesting.This movie is the modern day 5th element. In a world full of boring sequels, this is a breeze of fresh air.
lordsbehemoth I am at a mixed road reviewing this one. I really only watched it based on the fact that Cara Delevingne was in it. I think the story kind of sucked, but the CGI is was keep me interested. I do think this is a good movie to at least watch. It has a star studded cast and from the trailer I was thinking it would be a whole lot better.
papworth-simon As a longtime user of IMDB, this is the first time I have felt so compelled to write a review for a movie. Not since the Fifth Element have I seen a sci-fi movie so colourful and different to the norm. I think it's safe to say if you enjoyed Luc Besson's earlier work you will probably enjoy this. If not perhaps look elsewhere. The only part of this movie that leaves anything to be desired is the acting of the stars, however I wouldn't say it's terrible, it's just not anywhere approaching Oscar worthy. Overall I for one loved this film.
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