What Happened to Monday
What Happened to Monday
R | 18 August 2017 (USA)
What Happened to Monday Trailers

In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
javier_jotz Was just amazed on a big story which had 7 fantastic stories in between. Totally recommended.
Emilio Gelado Drink a lot of the universe that creates Sons of men (2006) but lacks the depth enjoys it, removing the first three minutes. The sisters differ among themselves in a physical way, personal depth is limited, except one sister, the protagonist. They do not tell us anything of their personal motivations and they tell it in the end and in a very scarce way. The villain is the bad because yes, they do not say because they do what they do. They could have created a rich and deep universe but they do not scratch the surface. Noomi Rapace well, she saves this grotesque script, but the lack of depth of its different characters makes it stay in a constant "I can´t do more for this film"
The Couchpotatoes IMDb should definitely put this movie in the sci-fi genre as we are in the future with special gadgets, and with a story that completely looks sci-fi even though this might become reality one day. The planet is already overpopulated and the future isn't bright if not disastrous. A one child policy will one day become inevitable if you like it or not. That's what I liked so much about What Happened To Monday, the well brought story of a near future, and all this with a good twist. The main actor is Noomi Rapace, who could it be else as she plays seven different characters, and she did an excellent job doing that. The rest of the cast was also good. It is a long movie but you never have a dull moment or a boring feeling, and that's already exceptional for a movie that lasts more than two hours. Good action combined with an interesting story, what else could we ask for?
unbrokenmetal 'What Happened To Monday' is a remarkable movie. I would almost love it, if it wasn't for a couple of stupid things that damaged it for me. Sorry I can't explain that without SPOILERS. First, the unnecessary finger cut-off scene. Why unnecessary? Because they are living in a future where medical science has progressed so that for example Tuesday's missing eye can be replaced. But they can't repair a finger with a small artificial limb and prefer to cut off 6 more fingers instead? Second, the logistics behind the freezing operation. We are told siblings all over the world are frozen, so hundred of thousands of them must be stored somewhere. This requires huge facilities with thousands of staff members, doesn't anyone notice they don't exist anywhere? Third, the company in charge wants to pretend everything they do is legal and perfectly okay. And then they shoot passers-by who happen to stand in the way when they are chasing Wednesday? Warfare on their own citizens, does it go unnoticed or what?Regrettably this movie is far from perfect with quite a lot of holes in it, but still it is very interesting and worth watching for the amazing performance of Noomi Rapace who talks to herself in various roles, from the shy computer nerd to the lazy party girl or the sporty chick. She even has a death scene with herself, how unique is this? I can hardly imagine the workload when you are constantly on the set in one of your 7 roles, shooting and reshooting the same scene from a different perspective. Give it a try - one more reason to watch is that the subject of overpopulation is so serious that you can't think enough about it.