The Circle
The Circle
PG-13 | 28 April 2017 (USA)
The Circle Trailers

A young tech worker takes a job at a powerful Internet corporation, quickly rises up the company's ranks, and soon finds herself in a perilous situation concerning privacy, surveillance and freedom. She comes to learn that her decisions and actions will determine the future of humanity.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
BadHorseCalledWar A decent concept and a great cast were squandered on this patronizing moralistic melodrama, which feels at times more like an out-of-date Hallmark movie than a biting commentary about social media and society. All the "lessons" this film tries to convey could have been learned more subtly and efficiently through a single episode of Black Mirror.It all starts with an introduction of our heroine, young Susie Earnest (sorry, "Mae".) She is a simple woman, as is made annoyingly clear when her wistful kayaking is interrupted by her cellphone ringtone: "'Tis a gift to be simple". Naturally, poor Mae's Dad is sick, and they need money. Any sympathy this is meant to elicit is instantly ruined by Mae's absolutely infuriatingly naïveté. She does nothing to redeem this first impression as she runs amok through the course of the movie, betraying every person in her life without even a hint of critical thinking, until the damage is irreparable. Then she makes a sad little face and wonders how she could have gotten herself into this mess! This is the oblivious sort of zeal that baby boomers imagine millennials are born with. Any message about the perils of a tech-driven society are totally overrun by the way this story is told. It feels like a PSA about the dangers of social media written by your 75-year-old social studies teacher. And we, the viewers, are clearly the morons who would fall for this tech trap.The few interesting ideas - the emergency response enabled by technology, the problems with work-life balance, the fragility of social bonds - are totally and completely ruined by a boring and predictable narrative chock full of unrealistic scenarios and horrible writing. Do yourself a favor and skip this.
fieolsen-207-574554 Emma Watson delivers some Bad acting. The story could have been interesting but is extremely boring.
Jessyn I could not give this movie more then four stars, because I Wachted the movie after I read the book. I understand, that a movie cannot catch the essence of a book entirely, but there are essential parts that I really missed in that movie. Parts like Mae's development from being a bit of a shy and mysterious person who thinks things through and is not entirely there at all times. She struggles a lot at first, being in this company with all these expactations of here being all social and a participant to all those activities. You coul feel what happens to someone, who is suppose to be there all the time and social an everything. I felt a lot of anger and annoyance while reading the book and in the movie it seemend all oh so nice and fine. I hate that they left all of that out. Also mercer, what kind of a weird development is that in the movie? Mae literally hated him in the book, she was at some point so much into that community, that this was on huge sign of all the things that are going wrong there, because in the book it was so important to have the opposite site. In the movie they created that via that soulsearch scene, which by the way was to abruptly shown and introduced. A lot of fights, complications with people in the outside were not well shown. And that is actually a huge and important part for the big picture. But i must admit that i enjoyed the ending in the movie more, although I get why it was different in the book. But the movie version was a bit more satisfying and I liked the scenerey and loved some of the acting,n thats why I have given that movie four stars.Its actually funny to choose this movie to post my first review, but there is a important message there and I really need to say, please read the book also!
spurs68 All I can say is don't read the book 1st otherwise it will be even worse. Poor acting and they have removed so much from the book that most of it makes no sense whatsoever. Emma Watson's character is unlikable and you have no sympathy for her. Even Tom Hanks can't improve the overall movie and the only sadness is this was Bill Paxtons last film, he deserved so much better. Do yourself a favour, read the book (which is pretty good) and steer a million miles away from this car crash of an event. Ironic that was only shown on Netflix's in the UK (did not get a cinema release) as would probably have been quite good as a mini series where they could have explained the backgrounds better.