R | 23 January 2007 (USA)
Trade Trailers

A Texas cop, whose own daughter might have been forced into sexual slavery, joins forces with a Mexican youth to find the boy's sister, who was abducted and forced into prostitution. Meanwhile, a Polish woman who was promised a better life in America also becomes a victim.

Cortechba Overrated
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
coltonhughey While watching the movie Trade I found that the characters really mixed together like Jorge and Ray when they had a common goal even though Jorge (cesar Ramos) didn't know what ray (kevin Kline) was looking for until later on in in the story but throughout the movie the emotions of love like Jorge showed for his sister when he start looking for her and the bond of friendship Jorge and ray found after they figured out there coming interests as the movie progresses the pieces fall into play for Jorge to find his sister but the hit a few problems along the way the horrific topic this movie shows about how women and children are abducted and treated is a really eye opener for the real world problem with sex trafficking and slavery that is spread through the black market most people do not see this part of like it is overlooked but this movie shows the reality of the problem that slavery has not yet ended but in the movie it doesn't seem like the government is doing anything about it which is the same in our world today the trade is a very serious thing but the world doesn't want anything to do with it because the fact it makes to much money but this movie shows this idea in different aspects of what happens to the girls but this movie with all the problems it shows of the really world it will keep you watching until the credits come on
jessicawilson-99753 Slavery trade I recently just watched the movie Trade .It is so heartbreaking that it would keep you on the edge of your seat .It so sad to see how fast anyone could be human trafficked.just watching the movie was sad. It was horrifying to see girls and women have to go through the things that they was made to do or the guys would kill them.Cesar Ramos (Jorge) started all the mess, but in the end he was just trying to get his sister, Paulina Gaitan (Adriana) . They was really good actors, especially Adriana. She had a lot of emotional parts and for her to show all that emotion was really incredible.Jorge had a huge roll in the movie ,Jorge showed in the movie how much it would take to get someone back. This movie was a real eye opener to me . My parents use to tell me good advice, but I use to take advantage of them. watching Trade made me realize I should listen to my parent's advice.Finally, I love how this film goes from horrifying to heart- wrenching. It would be a great movie for teenagers to watch because it will show them that your parent's advice is not always wrong . If i was you i would not take advantage of it because something horrifying could happen at any given time.
jacobnewby Trade: A Good Nail BiterTrade is definitely a product of the more Hollywoodified side of the film industry. That's not a bad thing though. Trade leaves the viewer in a state of fixation in the first fifteen minutes. The film writers do a very good job of building up action, executing that action and cooling down; this is rinsed and repeated various times throughout the film. This makes for a movie that doesn't compensate suspense for plot-or vice versa. Therefore, all necessary components of storytelling are all in the right places while achieving maximum amount of suspense. Trade is by no means dry; but one of it's main characters Ray (Kevin Kline) can make the film drag in certain areas. Maybe I am one of the only people to think that his acting was uninspired and very blunt; however, it could've very well been meant to be that way by the script writers. The narrative and shear amount of refinement in this film make up for that. Some critics will dog this film for being unrealistic. To be completely honest, there's a lot of unrealistic occurrences in this film. Without spoiling major parts of the plot, a good visual of this is when the young girl, Adriana (Paulina Gaitan), is abducted. Neither her mother, nor her brother Jorge (Cesar Ramos) go to the police at anytime. Instead Jorge talks to what is perceived to be a private investigator who simply brushes him off and basically tells him "good luck". Despite the unrealism in this film, without it there wouldn't be a film. That's where this film excels; it pushes the boundaries of the real world on purpose to paint a picture of what enslaved people in the sex trade is like. But it also knows where to draw those lines to keep an audience entertained. Another nice feature in the film is that in fast paced scenes the camera work is shaken up and sporadic (though not to a point you'll get motion sick or can't tell what's going on) to add a chaotic effect for the viewer's point of view. However, the camera work throughout the entirety of the film is very refined. There's no haze and the lighting is great.Trade kept me entertained throughout the entirety of the film and I really was engaged. I constantly tried to tie things together as to what would happen next in the plot and desired more and more from the film. Despite its minimal amount of unrealism and spotty acting in some areas, the film was overall entertaining and a very good work of art. If the producer's goal was to make a film that depicted what sex trafficking is like for the victims-and even traffickers, as one trafficker, Manuelo (Marco Perez) struggles with the moral dilemma of trafficking girls- I'd say they did their job and did it well.
lyndseytyler I watched Trade in my English class while talking about human trafficking. This movie really opened my eyes about the reality of human trafficking and the awful truth of it. Trade is suspenseful, yet you can kind of guess what is going to happen. You really have to watch the movie and pay close attention to what is going on for you to understand most of the movie later on. Anybody that watches this movie should be mature enough to handle the contents of it. However, I do believe that this movie should be very intriguing and eye catching to all viewers. The story-line was very powerful and it had meaning. The movie Trade made me realize all the wrong in the world. This movie was one of the most powerful and moving movies I've ever seen and will probably ever come across. I highly recommend this movie for mature audiences.