| 06 April 2016 (USA)
Money Trailers

Two wealthy businessmen are about to get away with $5 million in ill-gotten money until their plans are revealed by an uninvited house guest.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
PodBill Just what I expected
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
bel001 Not that this is a bad film. But there are number of things that are somewhat annoying: too much dialog, characters and situations that aren't really believable and a story that is somewhat predictable. Settings are OK, director tries to give a visual touch but the film smells to much like a stage play. But hey, the actors are OK and the story is still strong enough to keep your attention. All by all a film that is easy to see but also easy to forget.
darrylmrl Gave this movie a 6 - as it executed very well throughout the main story - however it's ending has more flaws than the Pontiac Aztec. I have a huge issue with giving high marks to a movie that just can't execute on its landing. In the words of Teddy KGB - just like a young man coming in for a quickie ... I feel so unsatisfied. What is satisfying though is watching Jamie Bamber execute a Christian Bale like performance for his character John (a Patrick Bateman like character). A very well educated psychopath who's out to take what's his at whatever the cost. Christian Bale would be proud of Bamber's performance. Bamber was the MVP of this movie without question. The other actors could've been played by anybody and it wouldn't of mattered much. The most disappointing turn of events that didn't sit right with me -- was the wife's actions near the end of the movie. I won't spoil it - but you end up being betrayed by all the previous character development that had taken place. Maybe the moral of the story is that you really never know anybody?
michael-68695 "Money" is what happens when determined production creatives and talent come together and hold true to the art of film making. In the current environment where CGI/SFX often play a larger role than direction, talent and cinematography (on even the lowest budget fare), Money is a refreshing departure.This is pure and simple story telling. Not flashy, not over produced. Straight to the point - I'm a fan. Martin Rosete gives up everything we need to know, then let's us decide for ourselves who's right by turning each character on their head. All of this is done with clever dialogue, solid performances by the cast and what essentially amounts to three locations - although the primary location accounts for 95% of the screen time which I think shows a lot of guts.Well done!
Jessica Lyn After directing "Voice Over" one of the most successful and spectacular shorts of the last years with more than 100 awards, Martin Rosete directs his first feature film, "Money." The short is fantastic so the expectations for "Money" were pretty high and I wasn't disappointed. The movie has an impressive cast that includes Jamie Bamber, Kellan Lutz, Jesse Williams and Jess Weixler. I thought they were all pretty great, specially Jamie Bamber and Jesse Williams. The film's limitations in terms of budget and location are not a handicap but an asset. Its clever dialogue and unexpected twists kept me guessing at the edge of my sit for an hour and a half. If you are a fan of cat-and-mouse thrillers, "Money" is definitely for you.