When Do We Eat?
When Do We Eat?
R | 07 April 2006 (USA)
When Do We Eat? Trailers

An old school dad is as tough on his sons as his father is on him. On this night, however, one of the boys slips dad a dose of special, hallucinogenic ecstasy in order "to give him a new perspective."

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
brooke-93 Rent it soon! We laughed and cried and thought a lot about this poignant film when it was over. Please rent it if you care about Jewish culture or family dynamics. Rent it even if you don't. Support independent film-making. Acting was great. Story was great. Direction was great. Film-making at its finest. Share it with your friends as a holiday gift so they won't think their own family is the most dysfunctional they have ever known. This film was a clever mix of Torah and storytelling, neurosis and madness. If you haven't been to a crazy Seder, this is your chance. If you haven't been to any Seder, this is your chance.
halperin1 i loved this movie and i was so disappointed it has left phoenix already.. I wanted to see it again and for more people to see it. i wonder if it will be back.. I guess i can buy the DVD. If people don't relate to this .. i think they are lying Thanks to all who made it. Its so important to have a sense of humor and to be honest with each other. And to love our differences. FAmilies don't always like each other but we do underneath all the yelling love each other. I wish i could go see it again please return to phoenix. i loved the scenes with the little sparks of light.. WE are love and so we cant help but love each other --we just don't act like we do often. thank you
Tom Parker I really wanted to like this movie and, in the right hands, it could have been great.The concept is one of my favorites - a large dysfunctional family has one of those "crazy gatherings", where all the baggage is brought out, fights ensue, hilarious lines are offered up, and, ultimately, old grudges are resolved, and the family comes together, providing hope for the future.Unfortunately, I think this one missed the mark in a big way. It was miscast - the actors are all too pretty and polished (should have gone lower budge). The comedy borders on slapstick, followed up by one too many "serious" moments (bad combination). Plus, it's about 30 minutes too long (it's like a slasher flick - every time you think it's building to a resolution, it starts over again).Most importantly, the characters felt contrived and none of them are terribly likable. So ultimately, after suffering through this crazy night of fights and yelling and all around twisted zaniness, you really don't care that they all love each other at the end.In a nutshell - Contrived, miscast, poorly edited, and too darn long. Come to think of it, it was just very dysfunctional, just like the Stuckmans themselves.
castleb7 If this is your "typical" Jewish family getting together for a Seder, then I am glad my family isn't "typical". This movie was an excuse to show neurotic Jewish people sitting around table and they saved it to show at Passover. My friends and I are all Jewish and we saw nothing we could relate to in the movie. Period. Even if the throw the word "matzoh" around another 100 times, and throw in some Biblical passages about Elijah, this movie does NOT represent anyone or anything I have ever seen at a Seder. C'mon folks. Please save your money and see something you can stay awake to. I know I couldn't. The only redeeming aspect of this movie is the occasionally whimsical Klezmer music combined with some Rasta. I read all the reviews before I went to see it and thought I was going to be entertained. Instead, I took a nap and for that, I didn't have to spend money in the middle of the afternoon. Attend a real Seder. This (to me) was nothing but slapstick with a Haggadah thrown in for good measure. Terrible.
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