Some Girls
Some Girls
R | 09 September 1988 (USA)
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While on Christmas break, college student Michael journeys to Quebec City to spend time with his attractive girlfriend, Gabriella. Not long after he arrives, Gabriella breaks up with him, but her two equally gorgeous sisters waste no time showing romantic interest. In the meantime, Michael is left to deal with Gabriella's eccentric grandmother and offbeat father, an academic who spends most of his time naked.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
robertosmovies Want to see Patrick Dempsey naked?...uhhh..Some Girls... Not now, back then. Back in 1988, when 20 years old Patrick Dempsey and 18 years old, Jennifer Connelly played together in "Some Girls" a different teen movie. Well, for the boys which are keen on seeing a sexy 18 years old Jennifer Connelly chased around by the cute doctor from Grey's Anatomy, in a mahogany castle with very little clothes on, then this is it.Well get your girl, wife etc.. and turn in for a good movie to remember how it was. Not now, back then.Although it hadn't score big on IMDb for a movie from 1988, when IMDb was not around to keep score, the movie is not what you'd expect. Not some soapy soap opera or a teen comedy that you'll easily predict, this is painted in tones of brown and whites with a sparkle of green.Patrick Dempsey, which in my opinion I wouldn't call exactly beautiful, (not now, back then) is the main actor and plays a troubled young men who gets the *friendzone of the mothers of friendzones.*(for the uninitiated, friendzone = you get this from the girl that you love desperately and all she wants from you is to be just friends)Looking back at his career it's like he chooses these type of guys who eventually get out of the zone. As if he wants us to know that yes, it's possible. (Can't buy me love / Made of Honor / Enchanted etc )Jennifer Connelly is exactly as i thought, because this is the first movie that you should see with her: the angel with cold ice heart that every teen boy had a crush on, sometime in his growing up years. She was 18, i don't know if i mentioned that. For a more mature representation in the same era, I strongly suggest this movie: The Hot spot.The directing is beautiful because of the tones he chooses. The shots are naturally and flow easily with in the story which looks like it's pulled out from a book or maybe they have done such a good job that you think this was from a book.Other works from MR. Hoffman will let you find that he does have a different eye on these kind of movies.Nevertheless, eye candy is there for boys and girls as well, but the film does know when to turn serious and when to play with your smile.IMDb was not around back then so, some of the good movies are getting sided because of this. I know life it's happening and stuff, but some of them deserve just a little more than a 6 mark.PS: HUGE ONE!Mr. Dempsey who played the most romantic movies of the 90's and 00's earns my appreciation for the way he does that and how easily he can make it seem, but also for... and I do mean i look up at him for this... for some years now, he is racing. Yes, he has a team and the works.Imagine, just imagine if all the other actors will not pussy out and start participating in sports like him.Enjoy!
Psychotic Advisor One of the best movies I've watched in a long time, Some Girls is spellbinding in many ways. The viewer cannot help empathizing with the young protagonist who seems to run into one problem after another during his holiday. Funny in very subtle ways and even though I didn't have any gut-busting belly laughs I did find myself chuckling at frequent intervals throughout. The scenery evoked a cold landscape in posh surroundings and everyone in the film was delightfully eccentric. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a ponderous plot full of character studies. It was mildly reminiscent of two other films I've enjoyed, specifically, Being There, and Harold and Maude. No outlandish special effects, very little sex or violence, so the average viewer might hate it, but if you are above average, I'm sure you will enjoy this.
max_male34 i saw this film on mgm...17 years after it was made (when i was 17) brought a few memories back of 1988 when i was probably the age of the protagonists which is maybe why it struck a key and brought back the urge to visit French speaking canada....its quite a deep film for a cast of young actors...some moving scenes..the grandmother s performance almost brought a tear to my eyes which is quite something . Jennifer Connolly shows why today she is such a great actress...she s been doing it well for years and I have always found in Patrick Dempsey a character to sympathise with...if in Loverboy or Crime and Punishment.. the sisters are so damn sexy...the father weird and the mother so passionate .this family is one i would love to stay a week with!!
rtpkn In the movie Some Girls starring Patrick Dempsey we get a taste of everything. The bizarre, the romantic, the sad, and the funny all hold a place in the travels of Michael, Dempsey's character. Writer, Rupert Walters, takes Dempsey's character, a college student in love with being in love, to Quebec where the object of his affection remains for Christmas. Jennifer Connelly plays Michael's girlfriend Gabriella, Gaby for short. Gaby drops out of school and returns home to Canada when her grandmother, played by Lila Kedrova, becomes ill. This vacation to bring Michael and Gaby back together turns out to be an exploration in to love and sex starting when Gaby tells Michael that she is no longer in love with him. Michael's confusion about his situation begins to worsen when Gaby's odd sisters begin to interact with the sexually tense Michael. The grandmother, or Granny, is afflicted with some sort of Alzheimer's disease. Granny, at times, mistakes Michael for her late husband also named Michael, which fuels a relationship that requires and teaches love.The spitfire Gaby and her two sisters confuse and toy with both Michael and the audience. The seemingly promiscuous sisters taunt Michael by jumping in and out of his bed and even kissing him. Michael's loyalty to Gaby is almost non-existent as evident in his deeds and dialogue with her sisters. These three temptresses remain static throughout the movie while Michael develops his knowledge of adaptability and reason. Granny eases Michael in to the thought of love and not just sex, however, I found the scenes between the two characters abrupt and not as significant or impacting to the movie as they should have been, as they came and passed quickly.As the movie progresses Michael learns from and interacts with the family and he seems to grow more distant from the emotional aspects of his relationship with Gaby while being pulled in different directions. While Gaby and her sisters, on the other hand, are doing the pulling they do not show any signs of logic or reasoning in their actions, which Michael caters to. By the end of the film we see the three sisters acting as if they had learned something from Michael when it was really the other way around. This development seemed more like a transparent farce than an answer to a complicated question. Gaby's father is another question mark to this movie. He remains nude through the most of the film, yet he seems very stern about any physical contact between Michael and his daughters. The idea behind the nude conversations, containing reference to Mr. D'Arc's work, is lost in the tension between the two. Without this theme the audience is left simply gawking at the naked father and seeing Michael as a typical appeasing suitor for Gaby. However, the theme of nudity for this film can not be suppressed. Nudity causes and alleviates Michael's problem. Drawn to sex by the injection of nudity in to the already tense plot his chase is only overruled by love that he sees with more nudity, strangely involving the grandmother.The family's dog, Beowulf, plays only a minor role in the story. However, his name and an alarm clock smack of symbolism. The alarm clock shared in bed between Michael and one of Gaby's sisters embodies the pursuit of sex that is ripped away when Beowulf clutches it in his mouth when it goes off the next morning to wake Michael. Michael ends up throwing the alarm clock out the window and Beowulf jumps out after it. In the story of Beowulf our hero jumps in to waters of great depths chasing after Grendel, a man-eating monster. However, the display of our hero, Beowulf, chasing the all consuming monster of sex and the comparison to the original monster is an intricate theme and difficult to recognize. Although if Michael rids himself of the alarm clock by throwing it out the window and the clock is really a symbol of sexuality this could foreshadow a moral behind the story.This film is a combination of comedy and tragedy like no other film I have seen before. The bizarre sexual comedy can actually be likened to that of another film starring Patrick Dempsey, Loverboy. In this film Dempsey plays a pizza delivery boy who makes extra money by serving as a gigolo for female customers ordering pizza with extra anchovies. The element of tragedy for this film is very short and supposed to tie the movie together, however, I feel it is drowned out by the comedy and nudity relating to the sex. For instance, the inevitable death of the grandmother is bypassed for a sexual encounter and then later revisited for questions and impact to the plot.This film is suitable for really any audience with the possible exception of young children due to nudity and sex. The concepts and themes are universal to all and can be understood or at least listened to by any class, race, or group of people. However, those offended by nudity or displays of sexuality should refrain from viewing, but the screenplay is tastefully written. For those viewers willing to ponder the themes, characters, and other elements a good deal the movie is worth while. Although, the fast-paced plot really suggests a second viewing for those interested in a more educational experience. Dempsey plays young, confused, and in love Michael very well. The father, Mr. D'Arc, was very convincing even if he was a minor character. The rest of the cast seemed a little amateur, but overall the thought process revealed in this film makes it worth seeing even if it does lack in other areas.
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