A Dog Named Christmas
A Dog Named Christmas
| 29 November 2009 (USA)
A Dog Named Christmas Trailers

A developmentally challenged young man with a penchant for caring for animals in need sets out to convince his family - and their whole rural community - to participate in a local shelter's inaugural "Adopt a Dog for Christmas Program."

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bkw150163 One of the most heartwarming beautiful movies I've ever watched. It is on my watch list every year for Christmas. Finally I managed to record it so I can watch it any time I want. I love animals and I love the way that boy never gave up on the idea to not only save and have one but help more dogs find a home during the most beautiful time of the year.And the boy who played the mentally challenged kid did a wonderful job. Watch it during the holidays and you will feel the same way. Of course I am a sucker for Hallmark and Lifetime movies, but really, you gotta watch this one :-) I don't own a dog, just a cat, but if anything ever happens to me, I hope someone takes my sweetheart in like this boy did with Christmas
MattyGibbs A predictable but satisfying film about a boy who adopts a dog for Christmas.The acting is above par for a made for TV movie and there are enough tear jerking moments to lift it above the average. Yes it's predictable but it's a Christmas family film and it does exactly what it says on the tin. My only gripe is that the secondary story featuring the dad's experiences as a soldier could have been handled better. Whilst the idea was good it didn't really add to the movie in the way it should have. Definitely a film to enjoy with the kids in the run up to Christmas.
tavm George McCray (Bruce Greenwood) is a farmer who had served in Vietnam and suffered a limp in one of his legs. He also had a couple of dogs. One as a kid-Tucker-and one during the war-Charlie. Having lost both, he's hesitant of letting his last-born adult offspring, Todd (Noel Fisher)-who's a little handicapped, have one permanently, making him promise to return this temporary holiday adoptee to the shelter after Christmas which becomes the dog's name. His wife, Mary Ann (Linda Emond), knows what he's been through and disagrees with him, though respectfully to the point of not pushing it. I'll stop there and just say this was quite heartwarming which is what you usually expect from a movie presented on "Hallmark Hall of Fame" but not cloyingly so. I mean, all those Christmas party scenes with the relatives and Todd's bonding with the animal and...well, if you don't mind feeling warm inside, this movie is definitely for you. But, yes, there are some compellingly dramatic scenes like those flashback ones of George back during the war or one on the farm later on in the movie. Nice use of Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" (which I just watched her perform on a "Dancing with the Stars" results show) and another song written and sung by leading man Greenwood himself near the end. And seeing the author, Greg Kincaid, with his own adopted dog Rudy in a spot asking for anyone who'd like to get a pet for the holidays was a touching plea. So on that note, I recommend A Dog Named Christmas.
bill_drums The movie is AWESOME, as is typical for Hallmark movies and commercials, however, the movie is almost ruined by one scene!!!!! Why in the world did the Director, Cinematographer and Film Editor allow a HUGE (Not subtle!) mistake to go uncorrected! Christmas's handler is visible for several seconds through the window of the pickup truck as George, Todd and Christmas leave the Animal Shelter. I can't remember another Hallmark Movie containing such an 'obvious' gaff in filming! I hope this is the last error of this magnitude that we will ever see again! Please, I hope that you continue to maintain the quality that we have grown to love and expect in these productions!!! PS - I would agree with other comments....As a veteran, I appreciate your reference to Viet Nam, but, if you are going to portray Viet Nam in images....KEEP IT REAL....NOT CHEESY!