R | 01 December 2006 (USA)
Turistas Trailers

A group of young backpackers' vacation turns sour when a bus accident leaves them marooned in a remote Brazilian rural area that holds an ominous secret.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
chellssaik I've enjoyed this movie for a long time. I saw it years ago and thought it has some terrifying suspense and gore, as well as, adventure. Definitely a buyer. I have watched it time & time again through the years and I still enjoy watching it!!!!
tomsview Unlike many of the critics when it was first released, I have a lot of time for this twisted little movie. As with the best horror movies it affects you more because you can't get out of your mind that it just could happen. There is no supernatural aspect to shield you from reality.I won't give too much away because it does have some unexpected plot twists. Suffice to say the story is about a group of backpackers from Britain, Europe, the U.S. and Australia that becomes stranded after a bus accident in a remote area in Brazil. They receive descending degrees of helpfulness from the locals until they realise that they should have caught the plane instead.This definitely isn't a movie the Brazilian Tourist Board would want you to take seriously in the year of the Rio Olympics; apparently Brazilians really didn't like it at all when it was released 10 years ago, and it was boycotted.They felt about it the way Australia's Tourism people probably felt about "Wolf Creek". I know people who walked out of that one, although it wasn't actually boycotted."Turistas" is particularly well made, and shot on location with a very believable group of actors playing the likable and adventurous tourists. The characters are well-defined with Desmond Askew just about stealing the show as Finn, the scrappy and irrepressible little Englishman. Josh Duhamel plays Alex, a reluctant American traveller who has come along to keep his sister Bea and her friend out of trouble as they enter the sort of places strangers would be wise to avoid.Melissa George makes an impact as Australian surfer girl Pru. As an Aussie I must admit to a certain amount of national pride as she flitted around in a bikini revealing a body that is a tribute to an active, outdoor Australian lifestyle.You could argue that the film gets a little predictable towards the end, but I found the whole thing was so revved up by that point that you hardly noticed. As far as Brazil's image is concerned, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't take the actual premise behind the story too seriously, but maybe it's a reminder that double checking travel plans anywhere you go might be a smart idea - if the film has a message it's no more perverse than that.Anyway, international politics aside, I think you do get your money's worth with this travel package.
seinthomas8 This is my first review here after may be 400 movies i rated. I give this film a go because despite a not so good rating, i always check 3 or 4 reviews, which for THIS movie were balanced between Good with valuable points, and very bad with poor explanations. If you are into credible story, don't even try to see this movie. Despite a pretty good acting , and a interesting main subject, the characters are so dumb i was just face palming every 5 minutes after the first hour. And during this first hour, nothing really happen. This is so long before any action takes place, and this is so predictable, that i was just hoping the main characters will die in awful suffering scenes.I can't understand why people compare this movie to hostel, because despite the fact that there are tourists captured in both, the atmosphere is just TOTALLY different. No thrill, no suspense, no breath taking. Just a wait to see them die ALL for such dumbness.I actually enjoy a lot of genre, from comedy to thriller, horror etc... but this one is just bad in every of them.
Aaron Ray I thought it was pretty good actually, despite the low rating. From the start it had me on the edge of my seat. About something that could actually happen. I believe that this could be very possible given the circumstances in different countries. It starts out with a group of friends from the United States, traveling to a different country. that country happens to be Brazil. They are traveling by bus but their bus has a mishap. Everyone on the bus almost dies because the bus almost goes over a cliff. Everyone on the bus survives, in- clouding the main characters, but the bus is not okay. The travelers visit the nearest beach and find shelter there. The guys want to stay but the girls don't. It gets intense as the story goes on. I recommend it.