Room 6
Room 6
| 13 June 2006 (USA)
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A schoolteacher with a phobia of hospitals finds herself searching for her boyfriend inside one while teaming up with a man suffering the same ordeal that she's in.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
GL84 After getting involved in an accident, a woman and a stranger from the wreck band together to find her missing spouse who disappeared only to learn he's in a hospital full of demons and must try to get him out alive.There's some good things about this one that really makes it worthwhile. One of the better aspects here is the hospital itself, which is appropriate in this type of story as it gives off a feeling of immense dread with the slowly flickering lights, the long hallways going off into the distance and all the early set-ups with their behavior so that many of the one-shot scares are mainly used to creep out which work incredibly well. They're all pretty clichéd, yet nonetheless they're all quite jump-worthy scenes of the demonic doctors chasing her, the horrific nightmare on the operating table all the while featuring the utterly impressive tactic of going for the different exists in here only to keep winding up in the same place for the umpteenth time in a row. This ending is incredibly creepy and mixed together inside a near non- stop pace filled with tons of action, rather fun and impressive demonic make-up effects and gore on display even if we're only able to really get fleeting shots of them and a frantic pace which becomes extraordinarily better from the chases to the jump scenes to the previous knowledge of what's going on through the film that leads up to it, and it really gets the energy up. The early investigation scenes to get there aren't bad but once it features the back-story is where this one works the best, though outside of this ending, there isn't a whole lot else here to really like. The biggest problem is that the beginning of the film is criminally slow and really doesn't feature a whole lot. It's mostly just a repeated series of one character talking away while getting a quick shot of a demonic figure trying to be scary. Not only doesn't it work, but after the tenth or so experience of that same scene happening, it becomes really irritating and annoying repeating over and over again while not offering anything new. There's plenty of opportunities for this to offer up something good, but this painfully boring detective story also tends to highlight the biggest issue here in the fact that by drawing attention to the kidnapping they're giving away what they've done. More likely they've managed to do this for a while and gotten away with it judging by the others with him and the ineffective search by the authorities to turn them up, yet by letting her in on the ruse for no reason it allows her to find him when they had gotten away with the abduction already. The fact that the abduction occurs the way it does at all is a little hard to believe and even gives off something is wrong in that sense from the beginning which further lowers this one even more.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Brief full Nudity.
mrrandomapplepie Overall, I think this movie was pretty great but I do have a few bad things about it :(. Besides that it's kinda slow it wasn't necessarily spooky at all. I think the director tried really hard to scare the audience so many times but it just didn't work and I even thought it was a joke and funny. I felt a lot for Amy considering she had to face her biggest fear to save her boyfriend and I thought that is really sweet and that not everybody would do that. The ending was very touching. The whole movie is deeper than what it seems.You can see that she really really loved him.What I think is the question this movie provides for the audience is ''How far would you go to save the love of your life?'' ''Would you face your biggest fear to do so''?
Claudio Carvalho The school teacher Amy (Christine Taylor) has been proposed by her boyfriend Nick (Shane Brolly) early in the morning and she promises her answer later in the afternoon. After her class, while coming back home, Nick has a car accident in a crossroad with a truck driven by Lucas Dylan (Jerry O'Connell). He breaks his leg and an ambulance takes him to the hospital. Amy has phobia with hospitals, but she gets a taxi and goes to the nearest hospital. However, Nick is not there, and she meets Lucas, who is also looking for his sister that has disappeared in the same weird circumstance. They decide to team up and search together where the victims might have been interned, while Amy experiences the most bizarre and scary situations."Room 6" is a movie with a promising story, bad acting and a very disappointing conclusion. The idea is not totally bad, in spite of using a rip-off of "Jacob's Ladder", with a troubled woman having to confront with her innermost fears to resolve her traumas and phobias to go peacefully to another life. I have startled many times, reason why I did not totally dislike this flick. However, the screenplay uses lots of unexplained and unnecessary situations just to mislead the viewer, like for example, the girl Melissa Norman, the nurses drinking blood or even the nightmare of Amy with the mysterious St. Rosemary's Hospital in the very beginning. The performances of Christine Taylor, Shane Brolly and Jerry O'Connell are terrible, and the lead actress spends a great part of the film with the most dreadful and annoying screams. Consequently the direction is not good. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Quarto Seis" ("Room Six")
kai ringler well i'm not quite actually sure about this one folks...... i think that they had a really good idea behind the movie, i liked the car crash scene, but the zombies , the way they looked well i've seen a lot better from other horror movies, the story well let's just say that it could have been better, i think the ending sucked. the main character was way too squeamish for my tastes. there are worse movies out there, except this one left the viewer, me,,, with more questions than answers, and i really don't care for a movie that does that. i did like the boiler room scenes i thought they were very stylish, and in the special features on the DVD, they mention that it was the same boiler room that was used in the original nightmare on elm st. so basically i've seen a lot better,, this movie basically deals with angels, demons, heaven , hell, and pergatory,, the part where something in her childhood happened to her when she was 12, about her father was brilliant ,, but not how they did it in the end i thought.