Despicable Me 2
Despicable Me 2
PG | 03 July 2013 (USA)
Despicable Me 2 Trailers

Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal.

Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
one-nine-eighty Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is back. Retired from being a full-time evil villain to care for his adopted children he now dedicates his spare time to Jam. Unfortunately the world is not ready to forget him, he's hired by the Anti Villain League to investigate the disappearance of an arctic lab. Together with Agent Lucy Wilde (Kristen Wiig) on the investigation trail it looks likely that El Macho is behind the crime - and he's supposed to be dead. Evidently he's not dead and to make matter's worse, El Macho's son is taking a fancy to Gru's eldest adopted daughter, Margo. With his hands full he doesn't notice the slow disappearance of his trusted Minions. Gru really has to up his game and gadgets to resolve so many situations.The sequel to Despicable Me is another charming film, I was worried that the first film may just be a fluke and any sequel would be a poorly milked clone. This is not the case; the film stands up on its own merit and is amusing for all the family. Given the choice I prefer the first film because it gave us something fairly new in its characters, plot and set-up. However this is by no means a failure of a film just because it's got familiar characters in it, there has been growth and development - which is more than some blockbuster films have. It's colourful and creative, beautiful to look at, has action and humour in the right places too. Absolutely worth a watch whether you are seeing this film with, or without having seen the first film - Enjoy 7 out of 10.
Miguel Neto Despicable Me 2 was it really necessary? In my opinion Despicable It closed me very well, it was not necessary a continuation, but as it had remained twist, the film at least is legal, but it was a fact that could not surpass the first (that this far from being a masterpiece), The direction and most of the cast is the same as the first one, we have a new character that is Lucy that the Gru falls in love, and she was not so well developed, she is a character that does not add to the plot, Well the same thing, the Minions once again have the highlights, but I still do not like them, but in those they have some legal participation, the final '' battle '' of the movie is fun, and Gru in my opinion remains the best thing Of the film, the best moments are with him, the soundtrack is cool, there are moments that the Minios sing in the movie, but I do not like it. Note 7.0
classicsoncall Having landed father Gru in the first movie, Margo, Edith and Agnes are hot on the trail of hooking him up with a potential Mom. This picture also added more Minions to the mix for which I was grateful, those little cornballs are very funny with their own brand of minionese. When not saving the world or freeing Margo from the clutches of the smooth Antonio, son of El Macho, Gru is an absolute sketch attempting to make that first phone call date with Lucy, the gal he has eyes for. What shy guy can't relate to Gru's nervous trepidation trying to come up with the right words? Hilarious. Well, it all works out, with the Minions getting their share of quality time, even if they had to go purple for a while. It's a fun film that kids of all ages should enjoy.
Sean Lamberger Picking up right where the original left off, evil genius Gru has seen the error of his ways and transitioned into life as the single, adoptive dad of three young girls. The sudden reform has left everyone (an army of minions, a long-time collaborator and Gru himself) a bit stir-crazy, so he seeks new thrills as a turncoat, tracking and identifying his former rivals for a stuffy government agency. Illumination has leveled-up their equipment since the first film, which makes for a far more polished visual product, but the story is less lively and fuzzy than its surprising predecessor. Of course the minions are everywhere, getting the star treatment before their inevitable spin off, but the girls are relegated to watery secondary story lines and there seem to be a lot of missed opportunities. Gru's job with the g-men, for instance, seems like a ready-made setup for introducing all sorts of wacky new characters and enlarging the world, but instead it merely hones in on a single new villain and ventures no further. The introduction of a love interest is hesitant, overly convenient, and never really clicks. There's plenty of fun stuff for younger audiences, of course, and some of the sight gags are clever, but most parents will find themselves daydreaming through the bulk of this one.