R | 31 August 1984 (USA)
Bolero Trailers

Follows the tale of a young woman’s sexual awakening and subsequent journey around the world in pursuit of her ideal lover. Encounters include an Arabian sheik and a Spanish bullfighter. Her friend and butler accompany her and help to arrange her couplings.

Wordiezett So much average
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
sarwatesm I have read quite a few reviews and almost everybody discarded it distastefully saying that it is one of the worst movies ever made. I agree that Bo is weak as far as acting is concerned but the film is OK guys. You certainly get entertained.I think the issue of rating prior to its release was the main factor for all these reviews as majority of the audiences saw this film with predetermined expectations. They thought the film would be a hardcore film but actually it is not. It is a plain drama in which the director conveys the importance of finding the correct far Bo is concerned, forget about her acting but she is breathtaking with clothes as well without them.I enjoyed it certainly and most of you should if you watch it as a drama and not as a XXX film
halftrack-1 This is one of the silliest and dumbest movies I have ever seen. It truly deserves all the Razzies that it has won or been nominated for. You might like this movie if you are a fan of Bo Derek and if you put your brain to sleep with alcohol or something.It has no plot to speak of and Bo scarcely loses any opportunity to show off her beautiful body. Frankly, that is the only thing worth watching in this movie(although the love-making scene was a bit too long and boring). From the very beginning of the movie Lida (Bo Derek) is obsessed with the idea of losing her virginity in some exotic land, to a sheik or something and the rest of the movie is basically how she goes about doing that. Movies cannot get much shallower than this.
Bobbynyc One of the dullest things I have ever seen - it has haunted me for years.The story such as it is, has Bo looking for sexual ecstasy with she insists is spelled with an X - at the end of movie as she and the Bolero of the title are making whoopie - the room begins to fill up with steam - and then they are making love on a cloud, where behind them is (I am not making this up) a neon sign spelling out the word ecstasy flashing on and off. I remember thinking as the neon sign flashed "this is it, this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen." To this day none of the other horrible films I have seen have come up to that one transcendent moment of the uber dumb that was that scene.
afriend-3 Bo does another excellent job with Bolero.This movie is sexually charged and keeps a good pace.The spoofs on losings one's virginity are great as is the the last seen of "extasy".Bo pulls this one off with her usual comedic charm.Funny when she needs to be and sexy the whole way through.George Kennedy keeps the comedic level at a 10 playing Bo's chauffeur and confidant.Watching Bo go from school to loosing her virginity in this delightful romantic comedy was wonderful.Bo again shows the world why she's the perfect 10.Both the acting and locations in this film are superb.If you want to see another Bo 10 get Bolero.