The Fox and the Hound
The Fox and the Hound
G | 10 July 1981 (USA)
The Fox and the Hound Trailers

When a feisty little fox named Tod is adopted into a farm family, he quickly becomes friends with a fun and adorable hound puppy named Copper. Life is full of hilarious adventures until Copper is expected to take on his role as a hunting dog -- and the object of his search is his best friend!

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
kfernandezhn Although this movie was realized a long time ago, it's still on of Disney's greatest. Pros: Heartwarming from start to finishSimple yet great and well done storyFleshed out and great charactersCons: Some scenes/scenarios don't feel right for this movieMight not be for the whole family, it has some sad and dark momentsIn the end, grab a copy of this movies and gather your family and friends over to enjoy this classic. I'd recommended to pretty much about anyone.
sol- Best friends as infants, a hound dog and fox inevitably grow up to be mortal enemies in this popular animated film from Walt Disney Studios. Some of the hand drawn animation is quite breathtaking, the animal characters are endearing and the dramatic crux of the film works well, however, this is seldom regarded as one of Disney's better animated movies with good reason. The attempts to inject humour into the bleak tale work less than half the time, the songs are not especially memorable and having the fox's owner narrate her sentimental thoughts aloud actually subtracts from the immediacy of a key scene. The most awkward aspect of the film is the inclusion of a love interest for the fox. Sandy Duncan's vocal performance is decent enough, but her vixen character adds nothing to the film and the scenes of the two foxes romancing once another are so far removed from the fox/hound central story that the movie comes to a near stand-still. The upbeat ending additionally feels entirely wrong given how grim and serious the film is at its best. And there are some surprisingly graphic scenes here - most notably a train tracks accident. It is hard not to wonder what may have been here had Disney chosen to milk the dramatic potential of the material for all that it is worth. Apparently, the film differs quite largely from the book it is based on as it is.
vercia-poance The simple story about a fox and a dog has many things to teach us about compassion, friendship, and acceptance.It's tough to try to find something bad about this film, maybe one could argue that the animation isn't as good as in later Disney films but I think many would agree that it is much more charming. The hand-drawn look has something that really stands out and adds a more human touch. Looking at the later Disney iterations where everything is a perfect line at a perfect angle gets really old for me personally and it stabs me in the eye instead of letting the imperfect be imperfect. But I guess that goes for most of modern culture where everything is made to be as perfect as possible. If you look at the static music of today for example and compare it to the groove which jazz and funk musicians of the 40s and 50s you'll know what I'm talking about... That utterly charming "human" quality... This film has a ton of it.However,I don't think I've ever been inflicted with so much emotion from watching a film. I honestly cried my heart out! It's a lovely film with lots of character. It doesn't rely on gimmicks(as so much of the modern Disney films do) rather it relies on strong writing with no scene being unimportant.A shining gem from the past that taught me several heartfelt lessons.
KineticSeoul So this movie is basically about a bromance and friendship between a fox and a hound. The problem is, one is trained to be a hunter and the other is a prey for the human hunter. I my personal opinion the main aspect that drives this movie is the cuteness and the relationship between the animal characters. Also the bond when it comes to friendship is actually heartwarming in this. When it comes to friendship, the test of time plays a big part. The development and the animation is also really well done. There are no musical numbers (well there is, but it's very subtle) or anything like that, this is strictly based on the development of the friendship. Even if some parts seem to be drawn out, like the birds and the caterpillar parts. Overall, this movie plays a part in my childhood memories for a reason, even if it's slightly. I don't know, I like these types of stories, where the relationship between 2 shouldn't be but it happens. And how certain circumstances makes things a bit complicated.7.5/10