The Last Winter
The Last Winter
PG-13 | 11 September 2006 (USA)
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In the Arctic region of Northern Alaska, an oil company's advance team struggles to establish a drilling base that will forever alter the pristine land. After one team member is found dead, a disorientation slowly claims the sanity of the others as each of them succumbs to a mysterious fear.

Steineded How sad is this?
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Armand not original, not remarkable. only good. a idea who reminds Solaris and many other films about same theme. the only problem is the idea is too generous for artistic team. the scriptwriter, the director are out of a coherent picture about the purpose of film and that fact does the film a strange trip . result - it has not a final and the noble theme about the war between nature and man remains a sketch. sure, it has good parts but only in the first part, as promises. the second has not direction and a huge potential. and that potential is the real problem. because it remains only a tool for the imagination of the public. is it enough ? maybe not. because few actors and a lot of snow are not the fair prize for the patience.
Adama Brown A quick glance at the summary might convince you this is an environmentalist screed. It's not. Nor is it a horror movie. In general, it's a psychological thriller. It very much reminded me of 2007's "Sunshine," with a small group of people isolated together against the extreme environment around them, slowly being worn down towards insanity by the place and the events around them.For the first part, the movie struck an excellent balance between building tension by not showing you too much, and showing you enough to create real mystery, making you wonder what's next and what's really going on. Unfortunately, the ending doesn't fare as well. I think that they had a hard time finding a compromise between taking away the mystery, and going over the top with it. They seem to have tried to do a little of both, and it didn't turn out well.This is a great movie to see if you just want to savor the well executed wind-up as well as some great performances, and don't care that the last 20 minutes will probably leave you wanting. I don't regret watching it, but at the same time I'm not likely to watch it again.
Rathko A joint American-Icelandic supernatural adventure in which a group of engineers in a remote Arctic survey station succumb to paranoia, delusions, and ultimately death. Is it a poisonous gas, a virus, a mythological wendigo, mother nature or just bad weather?Perhaps it's because writer-director Larry Fessenden is also an actor that he has such an interest in developing characters and it's refreshing to see a modern horror movie that hearkens back to the quality ensemble playing of 'Alien' and 'The Thing'. But whereas those movies built suspense and horror on the back of our compassion for well rounded characterization, 'The Last Winter' doesn't really do much with it at all. A promising set-up slows down to a glacial pace with very little actually happening for great stretches of time. The sporadic thrills, when they come, are well handled, and there are a few scenes that have a genuinely chilling quality. But events are so labored and drawn out that it takes real will power to persevere to the end. When we get there, we're rewarded with a climax that is just plain silly. I like my horror with a minimalist aesthetic, and few things are more minimal than a research station in the frozen wilds of the Arctic Circle. I love the look of the movie and the authentic and gritty realism of the production design and cinematography. It's all the more frustrating therefore that having created such a believable and detailed world, Fessenden fails to find a story worthy of it.
rball41139 It is set up in Northern Alaska with a crew that is supposed to be stalked by a unseen evil. After paying $10.00 for this movie and then setting and watching it for a 101 minutes, I ended up wasting money and time. This movie was awful I kept waiting and waiting for a scare or anything but it didn't deliver.When it finally tried to deliver it was if they were haunted by ghost moose???? You have to be kidding me. The special effects were even awful, they could have did a better job by far.Please do not waste your time or money on this movie.