Event Horizon
Event Horizon
R | 15 August 1997 (USA)
Event Horizon Trailers

In 2047, a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the starship Event Horizon which disappeared mysteriously seven years before on its maiden voyage. However, it soon becomes evident that something sinister resides in its corridors.

Micitype Pretty Good
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
matrsowner Interesting reading through the reviews on this film. They're a mixture of sensible reviews from people who've watched the film and been happy to suspend some disbelief, and then all the conspiracy of "1"s that come across as people ganging up on the film. Yes, it takes inspiration from greats of sci-fi and horror, and quite unashably in many ways, and the science and ship design are a bit flawed if you're interested in spacecraft construction, however look past that and it's a really entertaining film. Strong cast and a great feeling of claustrophobia created throughout.
carlsonj-4 Excellent cast, standard set of characters, and a familiar plot are all this has going for it. The music is poor, the "special" effects are laugh-out-loud hilarious, and the editing made a fast paced story seem slow and bogged down in irrelevant detours.Did his wife's suicide mean anything? What happened to her son? Is he now Frankenstein's monster? We'll never know.Watch it if you have nothing better to do, but, beware: anyone watching with you may be unwilling to forgive your choice. You may never hold the remote again.
PubHound I have to say, this movie could have been way more intriguing and surprising If it just wasn't so badly written. Too much is left unexplained, and the whole movie is too disjointed : that's a pity because there were a few choices that I really appreciated, like Sam Neill's character slowly revealing himself as the villain, or the ending that leaves some sort of ambiguity with the last shot. The directing and the editing look fine most of the time, but during some scenes they drastically lower. Another missed opportunity
mb1456 I wonder if this movie was intended as a horror or just a dark sci-fi because there wasn't anything really creepy except for the look of the ship Event Horizon - its face resembles that alien from the Ridley Scott movies! The effects are quite good and there's also tense moments when the rescue crew docks with the ship and goes in to check for survivors. The performances are OK but I felt the choice of actors could have been better - Laurence Fishburne and Same Neill are the only ones who really held my attention. Some scenes confuse especially how a certain dead character comes back and attack the rest of the survivors. With the effects and the atmosphere they attempted to create, this movie had lots of box-office potential but failed to deliver as expected. Verdict - with lots of misses than hits, there was nothing much even Laurence Fishburne could do to save Event Horizon(ship or the movie)...a forgettable, one-time watch.