PG | 16 October 2015 (USA)
Goosebumps Trailers

After moving to a small town, Zach Cooper finds a silver lining when he meets next door neighbor Hannah, the daughter of bestselling Goosebumps series author R.L. Stine. When Zach unintentionally unleashes real monsters from their manuscripts and they begin to terrorize the town, it’s suddenly up to Stine, Zach and Hannah to get all of them back in the books where they belong.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Owen Ogletree I am a huge fan of the 1990's TV series and I have read some of the books too. I was skeptical heading into this, but I was surprised at how much I ended up liking it. While not groundbreaking by any means, it is still a nice tribute to the work of R.L. Stine.I actually really enjoyed Jack Black as R.L. Stine. He is definitely not the first actor I would have thought of to play this role, but he gave a nice take on a fictionalized version of the world-famous author.The story is filled with a lot of fairly standard "coming-of-age" teenage film tropes. The main teenage characters are hardly anything we haven't seen before, but they are pretty likeable, so it could have been worse. Dylan Minnette and Odeya Rush actually had pretty decent chemistry.I really like the concept of R.L. Stine's stories coming into the real world after being released from their books, and the monsters in this film were pretty darn cool. We get to see Slappy the Dummy, the lawn gnomes, a giant preying mantis, the abominable snowman, the warewolf of Fever Swamp, and many more. The fanservice in this movie is really well done. The only complaint as far as the monsters go is that the CGI used for the warewolf and the abominable snowman was pretty bad.The film moved at a really fast pace, and I really liked the resolution and how everything was wrapped up. You also got to love the cameo by the real R.L. Stine.This film is solid entertainment for the whole family. It's not a masterpiece by any stretch, but it's still a fun ride that I recommend to all "Goosebumps" fans.RATING: B
Michael O'Keefe Not real happy about moving to a small town in Maryland, Zach (Dylan Minnette), quickly has an attitude adjustment after meeting the awesome girl next door, Hannah (Odeya Rush). The girl's father is gruff and not accepting of people; the mysterious dad happens to be R.L. Stine (Jack Black), the creator of the bestselling young readers Goosebumps series. Zach accidentally finds out a secret about the author, the monsters in his books are conjured in his fears and stay hidden in the books...until the Stine family library is intruded and a book is haphazardly opened. Now expect monsters of all sizes on the loose.Consider this a fun family flick. Any scares are quite tame and or lame. Most jokes are actually funny enough for adults. Imaginative enough to be a repeat Halloween favorite. Directed by Rob Letterman; plenty of action and color.Also in the cast: Amy Ryan, Halston Sage, Ryan Lee, Steven Kruger and Timothy Simons.
tiskec My review probably differs from the majority, that I am pretty sure of. So, to flat out come out with it, this movie sucked a*s. I hated it. I used to read Goosebumps as a youngster. It had all the original characters from R.L. Stines books (Slappy, Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, etc.). Although, I just wasn't feeling it. I thought the TV series Goosebumps was WAY better than this. Trying to cram children's book characters into one film's story-line just didn't work, at least not for this one in my aspect. This particular Goosebumps tells the story of a boy that moved to a new town, next to the author R.L. Stine, who apparently is trying to keep his name under wraps. He seems to be harboring all of his story book monsters in separate books he has stored in his home. He's a completely ugly hermit do to this. He has a daughter who starts getting a twinkle for the next door neighbor boy, and they sneak off together. Well, one day the boy thinks R.L. Stine is abusing his daughter, so he runs over to the next door house and sneaks in. Eventually he finds these books, knocks them off the shelf, they open, and lone and behold the Goosebumps gang of monsters begins to spill out. Well, I think they crammed way too much stuff into it, and I think all of the character's roles were rushed. I just didn't feel the Goosebumps originality from this film. It might be because I'm trying to compare it too much with the knowledge I have of Goosebumps from when I was a child. Anyway, this movie isn't so terrible. I may have been a little harsh on the rating, but that's where I stand with this one. Mainstream will think differently.
sarahayre-23320 goosebumps is just awful, takes after the episodes all in one movie. which is 1 hour 39 mins, Jack blacks worst movie is this and only this. when I watched the trailer I thought i give it a try I never judged the trailer like some people do. I don't like gossebumps because all the monster's in it teaming up just didn't make it very good they were better on their own. The story was not good just not interesting. Then again, the monster's were good and the stunts were good. I'm reviewing this movie because I tried myself on it and did not enjoy it at all. goosebumps is also supposed to be creepy and some scary scenes, they were no scary scenes and creepy scenes at all.The dummy doll slappy was the leader of it all it should not of been this way the monster's were already terroising the town but I do understand why slappy was the leader. The movie was a comedy I didn't laugh at all the sense the humuor was not funny.finally, gosebumps was awful I'm not gonna say I recommend or don't recommend this movie I just hope this review dose help I mean people have give this good and bad reviews.