Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
R | 23 October 2015 (USA)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension Trailers

Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
maplechan71 I invested an hour and a half into this movie only to find nothing happening except for "did you hear this?" "Did you hear that?" And watching through an old camcorder was ugly and 3D looking but without the glasses made me TERRIBLY sick for the rest of the night. DO NOT BOTHER with this movie.
Rich Albers I would have enjoyed this movie and maybe given it a better rating if they had just ditched the hand held / security cameras and stopped pretending it was found footage. It's just getting really old and therefore unconvincing. They have found footage on their found footage which was entirely unnecessary. One of the characters even asks, "What? Did they film everything?" while they themselves are filming everything. (Revealing that there is found footage is hardly a spoiler so relax) In fact, the movie is on in the background right now which is an example of how captivating it is. Time to turn it off now. Have a nice day. :)
Juan Carlos Morales As far as most sequels go they more than most likely start thinning out the original concept. This is not the case with Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, though. This one retains all the creepy elements of the former films and branches it out to another level. Talk about adding some fear into our lives during a season known for Santa Claus and elves and reindeer. The character developments were fresh and the story line builds on as the film plays out making for a really eerie ending (and, of course, more than enough room for another sequel). I would have given it a 9.5 had it not been for the CGI effects ingrained into the VHS copies they were viewing. These were, at best, somewhat OK. The film also took on a demonic presence unlike the others and we even have a portal to that dimension made quite evident here. The little girl portraying Leila made quite an impression as well. It really was tons of creepy fun watching this latest of the Paranormal Activity movies.
Jordan I've seen all the installments of the paranormal activity franchise and I'm sorry to say but I feel profoundly let down. Lets start with just the final movie, "Ghost Dimension". The concept was so interesting, and it had great lead up but by the time we got to this final chapter the plot had become incredibly predictable. It's the same movie washed, rinsed, and repeated over and over again. Family has camera, spooky stuff happens, spooky stuff gets weirder and weirder until finally the family dies and one of the family members goes missing. The final plot fit this cookie cutter ending perfectly and now Tobi lives, though what I find the funniest part about this movie, is the overpowered demon Tobi forces the plot to become cheap. He's unbeatable, it makes a mockery of the very source material this show uses, religion. If you're going to use religion as the source material for your show you have to set up rules. If demons could easily kill ministers, pastors, fathers, etc. with a flick of the wrist then why the heck would churches even exist anymore? If a demon can so easily kill anything around it just by playing tricks on a family until its strong enough to wipe them out. You can't create a world without some rules or you complete deflate the both the antagonist and the protagonist. We know the families going to die so we don't fully invest ourselves, and we know that the demon is somehow all powerful (even when the source material for the demon concept comes from religion and includes demons being cast out easily by servants of the lord so it makes no sense why a spirit, prince of hell, or demon has so much ridiculous power) Another huge flaw in all of this franchise is the fact that they use children as vessels, sorry but that also goes against the source material in question, whenever you have great darkness you also have to have great light. You have a demon, you also have an angel. You have God and you have the devil, and by the way God wins so I'm not sure how demons in this show apparently just bypassed their own higher powers. My point is, if you end every single movie with the same thing, and have a total disregard to the source material, then your audience is going to get annoyed or bored. Making a movie about evil spirits, and witches, and rituals and what not is all fun and all but you also have to remember that all of those things have to have their opposites has well. Just like you can't have the devil if you don't like-wise have God. They go together you can't believe in one and deny the existence of the other. This comes full circle as each movie ends with the demon simply killing everything in sight with a flick of its finger.
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