Paranormal Activity 2
Paranormal Activity 2
R | 21 October 2010 (USA)
Paranormal Activity 2 Trailers

Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
motek_69 I like everything. I'm not picky and can usually find something good in an otherwise bad movie. This however, is total garbage! Not only was it not scary, but nothing serious happened till like the last 20 minutes of the movie! Honestly, you could watch the last 20 minutes and underatand the whole plot without missing anything important. The only thing that even caught my interest at all was when the dog got hurt. Not worth watching if you ask me.
The Movie Diorama A successful low budget horror that made a profit and then some, the original was sure to get a sequel. You betcha bottom dollar we got a sequel, and guess what? It's exactly the same. Ex-act-ly the same. Take the first film in one hand, this sequel in the other, smash them together and BAM! Paranormal Activity 1.5. Plot, execution, characters and even the scares were symmetrically uninspired. Seen the first? You've seen this too. Surprise! Lucky you. The sister to Katie from the original film soon realises that her house is haunted. Her family set up cameras and document the spectral events. Déjà vu, right? The plot's familiarity is its own downfall, where only real fans of the original can really call this enjoyable. Unlike its predecessor, the "scares" are more frequent which seemingly elevates the horror element by a small margin. Don't get me wrong, this ghost still adores to drag women by the legs, but atleast it's brave enough to decimate the kitchen at...prepare time. Someone give it a medal for sheer boldness! Damn, it's got a pair of big ectoplasm filled kahunas. The family dynamic felt more natural compared to Katie and Micah from the original, particularly the father who is the most relatable. But alas, the story is as predictable as ever. Day, night, object moves, repeat. This sequential narrative structure loops for a good eighteen nights, but by the seventh night boredom starts to settle in. Then the ending happens and the forced continuity makes for a ridiculously rushed conclusion where it ends quicker than a neck snap (you're welcome...). Oh one more thing, the quality of the cameras have improved! I can actually see more now, the filmmakers have learnt their lesson. Probably a detriment to the film though, as now I can see all of its bad qualities. "Scarier" than the first, sure. However everything the first film did right (not much) has been removed in this sequel, and vice versa. What a paranormal conundrum these films are...
morrison-dylan-fan Whilst taking a look at the Horror section on Netflix,I was surprised to discover that the site had all (apart from the first) of the Paranormal Activity movies on.Since having seen the first one on DVD,I decided that it would be a good time to experience the Netflix Paranormal.The plot-2005:Shortly after moving into their new home,the Rey notice that when they are out of the house objects and items move or disappear.Suspecting a repeat burglar,the Rey family install a CCTV system to catch the person red handed.As the nights go by,the Rey's see no sign of the burglar,but continue to experience strange events in the house,which starts to make the Rey's fear that something paranormal may be involved. View on the film:Replacing original choice Kevin Greutert, (who got stuck in a contract which led to him having to direct Saw 3D instead) director Tod Williams & cinematographer Michael Simmonds replace the grainy video of the original with a crisp digital format.Whilst this presentation does give the movie a shiny glaze,it also drains the title of eerie atmosphere,due to all the shocks that take place being clear to see,and leaving no haunting sense of doubt behind.Expanding from a couple to a family unit,the screenplay by Michael R. Perry/Christopher Landon & Tom Pabst knots mythology making threads with home invasion chills.Covering every room of the house,the writers disappointingly clip the title of an anxious horror atmosphere,by including too many interchangeable family members who take away closed-off mood that the house should offer from another paranormal invasion.
jacobjohntaylor1 I had a good laugh when I went to see this movie in theaters. Every one got scared except me. It is good thing that not to many C.a.n.d.i.a.n.s from my generation don't watch a lot of old horror movies of they would pee they pants. Are they just scared because they don't know that it is not real? All this movie is mostly is just bad actors screaming in the dark. By time in gets any were there is less then a minute left. Paranormal activity 3 is better and that one is pretty bad. Paranormal activity 4 is better and that one was pretty bad as well. This movie it not scary. It is badly written. And it had an awful ending. Don't see this movie it is not even close to being as scary as people say it is. Scary Movie 4 had nudity with Leslie Nielsen and that is to scary.